Can't compile HLSL pixel shader with StructuredBuffer

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2 comments, last by Nikita Sidorenko 5 years ago

Hi, I'm porting my non-production tiled forward render from OpenGL to Direct3D11.

I want to store the light tiles data in the structured buffer but pixel shader doesn't compile with the following error:


error X3000: syntax error: unexpected token 'StructuredBuffer'


Shader source:

It's failing on the line 78 (may have other errors too, tile debug stuff is untested):

StructuredBuffer<LightGrid> lightGridBuffer : register(t3);


I tried to compile both ps_4_0 and ps_5_0 - no difference

What can be wrong with it?



You seem to have forgotten a semicolon on line 76.

struct LightGrid {
    uint offset;
    uint lightsCount;
    uint projectorsCount;
} /*HERE*/

StructuredBuffer<LightGrid> lightGridBuffer : register(t3);

Confusingly, cbuffer declarations don't need semicolons at the end AFAIK

Oh, such a dumb mistake! Thanks for pointing this out!

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