Win32 Common Controls

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4 comments, last by monkey-poop 22 years, 4 months ago
Is it possible to use Win32 Common Controls (such as a status bar, toolbar, etc) without MFC? I''ve been trying to do it, but I''m having trouble getting my project to include AFXCMN.H. It keeps saying that I can''t include Windows.h with MFC. But I''m not using MFC!
AFXCMN is an MFC header file for MFC common controls, that''s why it thinks you''re trying to use MFC!

The fact that AFXCMN.H is in the MFC\ folder of the MSVC installation, and the fact that it contains C++ classes like CStatusBarCtrl rather than function definitions should be quite a strong hint of this!

Many of the simpler common controls can indeed be used without MFC. Internet explorer updates also contain many other common controls you can use in your code without using MFC.

If you have MSDN from MS Visual C++, look in the following location in the help:

MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 ->
Platform SDK ->
User Interface Services ->
Shell and Common Controls ->
Common Controls

That contains all the documentation you require to use common controls without MFC!.

The same documentation is available on the site. If you''re an MSDN subscriber, the location will differ slightly.

Simon O''''Connor
Creative Asylum Ltd

Simon O'Connor | Technical Director (Newcastle) Lockwood Publishing | LinkedIn | Personal site

i was wondering about something similar. i use mfc, and i can use all the common controls just fine in a frame window, or any other window with a client area. i wanted to know if there was a way to use them in a dialog box. i can get a toolbar to show up but not to have any buttons on it, even though there is buttons on it in the resource editor. and i cant get a status bar to show up at all.
Yes you can.

Take a look

Invader X
Invader''s Realm
maybe im not looking in the right spot, but i dont see it. look where? thanks
Try under the tutorial section at

Also, like S1CA said, you can just check under MSDN.

The reason why the toolbar, statusbar, menu, etc are empty is because you haven''t added anything to them yet.

Unlike visual basic, the resource editor just has a picture of buttons to make it look like a toolbar.

Here is an example of a toolbar without MFC.

  static TBBUTTON array[3]; 			// the amount of buttons on a toolbarstatic HWND g_hToolBar; 				// the toolbar handlearray[0].iBitmap=0;					// the bitmap number		array[0].idCommand=ID_ONE;	// the command ID		array[0].fsState=TBSTATE_ENABLED;	// the button state		array[0].fsStyle= TBSTYLE_BUTTON;	// the button style		array[0].dwData=0L;					// application data		array[0].iString=0;					// index of the button string				array[1].iBitmap=1;					// the bitmap number		array[1].idCommand=ID_TWO;	// the command ID		array[1].fsState=TBSTATE_ENABLED;	// the button state		array[1].fsStyle= TBSTYLE_BUTTON;	// the button style		array[1].dwData=0L;					// application data		array[1].iString=0;		array[2].iBitmap=2;					// the bitmap number		array[2].idCommand=ID_THREE;	// the command ID		array[2].fsState=TBSTATE_ENABLED;	// the button state		array[2].fsStyle= TBSTYLE_BUTTON;	// the button style		array[2].dwData=0L;					// application data		array[2].iString=0;					// index of the button stringg_hToolBar = CreateToolbarEx(hWnd,	// the toolbar parent handle			WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,			// the style			ID_TOOLBAR,						// the window name			3,								// the number of bitmaps			hInst,							// the window instance handle			IDB_BITMAP1,					// the bitmap ID			array,							// the toolbar info ID			3,								// the number of buttons			16,								// height of the button			16,								// width of the button			16,								// height of the bitmap			16,								// width of the bitmap			sizeof(TBBUTTON));				// size of the toolbar				// struct specifying control classes to register		INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX iccex; 		/* INITIALIZE COMMON CONTROLS */		iccex.dwICC = ICC_WIN95_CLASSES;		iccex.dwSize = sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX);		InitCommonControlsEx(&iccex);  

Remember to resize your toolbar. IE:

SendMessage(g_hToolBar,TB_AUTOSIZE,0,0); // resize the toolbar

Finally, remember to #include <commctrl.h> and commctrl.lib

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