importing a wire frame

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1 comment, last by Rapsey 22 years, 4 months ago
here is the deal. Is there any program that allows importing of a regular ASCII file that has nothing but a list of points in it? I have a file like that represents an entire city in just 3d coordinates, what i want to be able to do is make surfaces out of those points, so that i can texture them.
I wouldn''t have thought you could do it just with a list of points. You would need some way of knowing how the points link together to form faces; and how faces link together to form objects.

As for a program that imports these files, if you use the DXF format (which is ASCII) I should think just about any modelling package would import it.
"Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own." - Lee Jun Fan
two text based formats come to mind..

simple geometry, vertice lists for triagles, etc., grouped into object blocks

very powerful modeling language..can contain just about everything.
except if you want alpha colored verts then you might run into problems..

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