Using console in win32 app?

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6 comments, last by _Josh 22 years, 4 months ago
I need to use the windows messaging features of a win32 app, but I would also like to send all of my output to a console window with printf statements and have my window invisible. Is this possible, and if so how could I do this?
one way to get rid of the console screen is to free it


and then to get it back,

hout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

!!!i hope this helps
actually, i think Free will lose all the text data, so youll have to re-out it
Create a Win32 Application, AllocConsole(), GetStdHandle() use the console (MSDN documents the console functions) and FreeConsole().

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
Would you not also consider making a simple scrolling window that looks like a consol? Black background, fixed width font (white)... and simply dump the text there.

This method works great... pending that the actual console is not a vital function of whatever you are trying to accomplish.

Gamedev''s AI Auto-Reply bot.
Gamedev's AI Auto-Reply bot.
if you use Visual C++, you can go to the link options under project settings and change /subsystem:windows to /subsystem:console

You also have to add /entry:WinMainCRTStartup This will add a console in addition to your window. I don''t know about making the window invisible, though
just use a standard main()-style project... if you need hInstance use GetModuleHandle() or so to get it.
quote:Original post by kurifu
Would you not also consider making a simple scrolling window that looks like a consol? Black background, fixed width font (white)... and simply dump the text there.

This method works great... pending that the actual console is not a vital function of whatever you are trying to accomplish.

Gamedev''s AI Auto-Reply bot.

That''s actually what I have right now: black background window with bright green text. I created a class to hold the backlog of text and keep track of what position I''m looking at (so I can scroll up or down). I might end up just sticking with the window only...I was just curious how to use a console as well.
Well, you could make a win32 console app, and then design a Window class that uses windowsx.h. Or, you could design your own console, like in Quake3. There is an article somewhere of about this.

Edem Attiogbe
Edem Attiogbe

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