Question about programming 3d games.

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4 comments, last by narfidoo 22 years, 4 months ago
How are 3-dimensional worlds, such as those in EverQuest, stored in memory? What structures are generally used? Thanks for any help, GG
I''m not quite sure, but from looking at the datafiles I would think each zone is just one huge model.. I could be totally wrong about it, but I know its not tile based, they can''t just change it like that and send updates. Reason being theres a lot of linking errors that they refuse to fix because they state "it would be to hard to reedit and redistribute" but whatever ;p I''ve always wanted to know how the innerworkings of everquest as well.
- torquel
you keep an area of about (250mX250m) as your imideate area.
then load 9 area around that into temp.. anything beyond the entire area you use fog to hide.

$ = temp area# = center area$$$$#$$$$ 

then when you move too far right (lets say) you shift the areas

* = old center area& = newly loaded areas$$&*#&$$& 

only need to load 3 more areas.
bit confusing ascii graphics.... soz about that
I burn cold
eat me
Would each area be its own model?
For example, could each area be stored in seperate .x files?
most of them use bsps, download an editor like worldcraft, qoole, or quark. good luck

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