can someone debug this for me?

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13 comments, last by willsterstyle 22 years, 3 months ago
#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TESTMODE ''1'' #define TRAINMODE ''2'' #define QUIT ''3'' #define ESC ''\x1b'' #define Y ''y'' #define N ''n'' void MainInitial () ; void Body () ; void MainProcess () ; void TestMode () ; void TestInitial (int * , int * , FILE * , char *) ; void TestProcess (int * , int * , int * , int * , char * , int * ) ; void UserInput (int * , int * , int * , int * , char *) ; void EndTestMode () ; void OutputLetter (int * , int * , char , int *) ; void CheckCursorPosition (int * , int * , int * , char * , int *) ; void NewFile (int * , int * , FILE *) ; void NewPage (int * , int * , char * , int *) ; void NewLine (int * , int *) ; void CheckIfTyped(int * , int *) ; void Report (int * , int *) ; void TrainMode () ; void TrainInitial () ; void TrainLetter () ; void TrainWord () ; void TrainProcess (int * , int *) ; void SelectLetter (char , int * , int *) ; void PrintLetter () ; void TrainUserInput (char , int * , int *) ; void EndTrainMode () ; void TrainOutputLetter (int , int * , int *) ; void SelectWord (int * , int *) ; void PrintWord (char *) ; void TrainUserInputWord (char * , int * , int *) ; void EndTrainWordMode () ; void TrainOutputWord (int * , int *) ; void TrainCheckIfTyped (int * , int *) ; void TrainReport (int * , int *) ; void QuitConfirm () ; void EndBody () ; void EndProgram () ; enum Boolean { FALSE , TRUE } ; enum Boolean ExitProgram , ExitTestProcess , ExitTrainProcess , ExitTrainUserInput , MiddleRow , UpperRow , LowerRow , NumberRow , TrainSelect , ChoiceLetter , ExitTrainUserInputWord , EndOfWord ; int FileLength ; char RequiredLetter ; float TimeUsed ; char MiddleRowLetters [9] = {''a'',''s'',''d'',''f'',''g'',''h'',''j'',''k'',''l''} ; char UpperRowLetters [10] = {''q'',''w'',''e'',''r'',''t'',''y'',''u'',''i'',''o'',''p''} ; char LowerRowLetters [7] = {''z'',''x'',''c'',''v'',''b'',''n'',''m''} ; char NumberRowLetters [10]= {''0'',''1'',''2'',''3'',''4'',''5'',''6'',''7'',''8'',''9''} ; clock_t TimeStart , TimeStop ; void main() { randomize () ; //to make the random number generated more randomly MainInitial () ; Body () ; void MainInitial () { EndProgram () ; } ExitProgram = FALSE ; } void Body () { do { MainProcess () ; } while (ExitProgram == FALSE) ; //Once ExitProgram is True, } //it will exit MainProcess () void MainProcess () { int Count ; char MenuChoice ; textcolor(WHITE); //change the text and background colour textbackground(BLUE); clrscr () ; gotoxy (30 , 9) ; //display the frame printf ("\xc9") ; for (Count = 1 ; Count <= 25 ; Count++ ) { printf ("\xcd") ; } gotoxy (56 , 9) ; for (Count = 1 ; Count <= 6 ; Count++ ) { gotoxy (30 , 9 + Count) ; printf ("\xba") ; } gotoxy (56 , 9) ; printf ("\xbb") ; gotoxy (30 , 15) ; printf ("\xc8") ; for (Count = 1 ; Count <= 26 ; Count++ ) { printf ("\xcd") ; } gotoxy (56 , 15) ; printf ("\xbc") ; for (Count = 1 ; Count <= 5 ; Count++ ) { gotoxy (56 , 9 + Count) ; printf ("\xba") ; } gotoxy (35 , 10) ; printf ("1. Test Mode") ; //Display the menu gotoxy (35 , 11) ; printf ("2. Training Mode") ; gotoxy (35 , 12) ; printf ("3. Quit Now") ; gotoxy (35 , 14) ; printf ("What Choice? : \n") ; gotoxy (30 , 25) ; printf ("Press ESC to quit.") ; gotoxy (52 , 14) ; MenuChoice = getch () ; //Accept a key value from the user switch (MenuChoice) { case TESTMODE : //if the user press 1 TestMode () ; break ; case TRAINMODE : //if the user press 2 TrainMode () ; break ; case QUIT : case ESC : //if the user press ESC or 3 QuitConfirm () ; //Call QuitConfirm () } //function to confirm if the } //user want to quit or //selected it by mistake void TestMode () { //pointers must be initialised int x = 0 , y = 0 , InputCount = 0 , CorrectInputCount = 0 , Page = 0 ; FILE *FilePointer ; //initial the pointer of the file char str[50000] ; //declare a buffer to hold the passage clrscr () ; //clear the screen TestInitial (&x , &y , FilePointer , str) ; do //Once the user pressed ESC, it will exit { //TestProcess TestProcess ( &x , &y , &InputCount , &CorrectInputCount , str , &Page ) ; } while (ExitTestProcess == FALSE) ; //if the user have not typed any letter, no report will be printed CheckIfTyped (&InputCount , &CorrectInputCount) ; fclose (FilePointer) ; //close the file } void TestInitial (int *x , int *y , FILE *FilePointer , char *str) { int Row , Column , Count , Size , RandomFile ; RandomFile = random (10) + 1 ; //generate a random number //in the range from 1 to 10 switch (RandomFile) //select a random file { case 1 : FilePointer = fopen ("passage1.txt" , "r") ; break ; case 2 : FilePointer = fopen ("passage2.txt" , "r") ; break ; case 3 : FilePointer = fopen ("passage3.txt" , "r") ; break ; case 4 : FilePointer = fopen ("passage4.txt" , "r") ; break ; case 5 : FilePointer = fopen ("passage5.txt" , "r") ; break ; case 6 : FilePointer = fopen ("passage6.txt" , "r") ; break ; case 7 : FilePointer = fopen ("passage7.txt" , "r") ; break ; case 8 : FilePointer = fopen ("passage8.txt" , "r") ; break ; case 9 : FilePointer = fopen ("passage9.txt" , "r") ; break ; case 10 : FilePointer = fopen ("passage0.txt" , "r") ; break ; } if ( FilePointer == NULL ) //if cannot open the file { printf ("\nCannot open the file.") ; ExitTestProcess = TRUE ; } else //if can open the file { clrscr () ; //The letters of the external file are checked if they are //newlines or tabs. If they are , they will be changed into //spaces to avoid any error. for ( Count = 0 ; !feof(FilePointer) ; Count++ ) { if ( (str[Count] = fgetc(FilePointer)) == ''\t'' || str[Count] == ''\n'' ) { str[Count] = '' '' ; } } //Print out the passage to the screen and add empty lines //between every lines for (Row = 0 ; Row < 6 ; Row++) { for (Column = 1 ; Column <= 80 ; Column++) { if (str[80 * Row + Column - 1] == EOF) { goto ExitFor ; } printf ("%c" , str[80 * Row + Column - 1] ) ; } printf ("\n\n") ; } } ExitFor : ExitTestProcess = FALSE ; *x = 1 ; //tell the computer that the starting cursor position *y = 2 ; //is (1 , 2) . gotoxy (1 , 25) ; printf ("Press any key to start!") ; getch () ; //wait for the user to press any key delline () ; //delete all the content of the current line gotoxy (30 , 25) ; printf ("Press ESC to quit.") ; TimeUsed = 0 ; TimeStart = clock () ; //record the current time into TimeStart gotoxy (1 , 2) ; } void TestProcess (int *x , int *y , int *InputCount , int *CorrectInputCount , char *str , int *Page ) { UserInput (x , y , InputCount , CorrectInputCount , str ) ; CheckCursorPosition (x , y , CorrectInputCount , str , Page) ; } void UserInput (int *x , int *y , int *InputCount , int *CorrectInputCount , char *str ) { char InputLetter ; static float TimeStop ; gotoxy (27 , 19) ; printf ("Time used : ") ; gotoxy (27 , 20) ; printf ("Accuracy : ") ; gotoxy (27 , 21) ; printf ("Speed : ") ; gotoxy (27 , 22) ; printf ("Wrong letters : ") ; gotoxy (27 , 23) ; printf ("Typed letters : ") ; gotoxy (*x , *y) ; while ( !kbhit() ) { if ( *InputCount > 0 ) { double Speed ; //Calculate the accuracy float Accuracy = (float) *CorrectInputCount * 100 / *InputCount ; //Calculate the number of letters typed wrongly int WrongInput = *InputCount - *CorrectInputCount ; //Calculate wpm TimeStop = clock () ; TimeUsed = TimeUsed + (TimeStop - TimeStart) / CLK_TCK ; Speed = *CorrectInputCount / 5 / (TimeUsed / 60) ; TimeStart = clock () ; gotoxy (45 , 19) ; printf ("%10.2f seconds" , TimeUsed) ; gotoxy (45 , 20) ; printf ("%10.2f %%" , Accuracy) ; gotoxy (45 , 21) ; printf ("%10.2f wpm" , Speed) ; gotoxy (45 , 22) ; printf ("%10d letters" , WrongInput) ; gotoxy (45 , 23) ; printf ("%10d letters" , *InputCount) ; gotoxy (*x , *y) ; delay (100) ; } } InputLetter = getch () ; if (InputLetter == ESC) //if the user press ESC { TimeStop = clock () ; EndTestMode () ; } else { //if the user typed correcly if ( InputLetter == str [ *CorrectInputCount ] ) { OutputLetter (x , InputCount , InputLetter , CorrectInputCount) ; } else //if the user typed wrongly { (*InputCount) ++ ; } } } void EndTestMode () { ExitTestProcess = TRUE ; } void OutputLetter (int *x , int *InputCount , char InputLetter , int *CorrectInputCount) { (*CorrectInputCount) ++ ; //the user typed 1 more correct (*InputCount) ++ ; //the user typed 1 more letter putchar (InputLetter) ; //output the key the user pressed (*x) ++ ; //tell the computer that //the cursor should be shifted //to right by 1 position } void CheckCursorPosition (int *x , int *y , int *CorrectInputCount , char *str , int *Page) { if ( str[*CorrectInputCount] == EOF ) { getch () ; TimeStop = clock () ; EndTestMode () ; } else //if the cursor reach the end of any line , { if ( wherex () == 1 && wherey () >= 17 ) { clrscr () ; NewPage (x , y , str , Page) ; } else { if (*x == 81) { NewLine (x , y) ; } } } } void NewPage (int *x , int *y , char *str , int *Page) { int Row , Column ; (*Page) ++ ; clrscr () ; for (Row = 0 ; Row < 6 ; Row++) { for ( Column = 1 ; Column <= 80 ; Column++ ) { if (str[ (Row * 80 + Column - 1) + (*Page * 80 * 6) ] == EOF) { goto ExitFor ; } printf ("%c" , str[ (Row * 80 + Column - 1) + (*Page * 80 * 6) ] ) ; } printf ("\n\n") ; } ExitFor: gotoxy (30 , 25) ; printf ("Press ESC to quit.") ; *x = 1 ; *y = 2 ; gotoxy (*x , *y) ; } void NewLine (int *x , int *y) { *x = 1 ; *y += 3 ; //tell computer to shift the cursor down two rows gotoxy (*x , *y) ; } void CheckIfTyped (int *InputCount , int *CorrectInputCount) { if (*InputCount != 0) //if the user have not typed anything Report (InputCount , CorrectInputCount) ;//generate report } void Report (int *InputCount , int *CorrectInputCount) { //Calculate the accuracy float Accuracy = (float) *CorrectInputCount * 100 / *InputCount ; //Calculate the number of letters typed wrongly int WrongInput = *InputCount - *CorrectInputCount ; //Calculate wpm double Speed = *CorrectInputCount / 5 / (TimeUsed / 60) ; clrscr () ; gotoxy (20 , 8) ; printf ( "Time Used : %10.2f seconds" , TimeUsed ) ; gotoxy (20 , 10) ; printf ( "Character Typed : %10d letters" , *InputCount ) ; gotoxy (20 , 12) ; printf ( "Wrong Input : %10d letters" , WrongInput ) ; gotoxy (20 , 14) ; printf ( "Accuracy : %10.2f %%" , Accuracy) ; gotoxy (20 , 16) ; printf ( "Speed : %10.2f wpm (words per minute)" , Speed) ; gotoxy (26 , 25) ; printf ( "Press ESC key to exit") ; //wait until the user press ESC while ( tolower(getch ()) != ESC ) {} } void TrainMode () { int CorrectInputCount = 0 , InputCount = 0 ; TimeUsed = 0 ; TrainInitial () ; //Once the user pressed ESC , it will end TrainProcess while (ExitTrainProcess == FALSE) { TrainProcess ( &CorrectInputCount , &InputCount) ; } //Check if the user typed in train mode TrainCheckIfTyped ( &CorrectInputCount , &InputCount ) ; } void TrainInitial () { char ch ; clrscr () ; ExitTrainUserInputWord = FALSE ; ExitTrainProcess = FALSE ; gotoxy (28 , 12) ; printf ("1. I want to train single letters.") ; gotoxy (28 , 14) ; printf ("2. I want to train words.") ; gotoxy (28 , 16) ; printf ("Please press either 1 , 2 or ESC : ") ; while ( (ch = getch ()) != ''1'' && ch != ''2'' && ch != ESC ) {} if (ch == ESC) { ExitTrainProcess = TRUE ; } else { if (ch == ''1'') { TrainLetter () ; } else { TrainWord () ; } } } void TrainLetter () { char ch ; int temp ; ChoiceLetter = TRUE ; ExitTrainProcess = FALSE ; MiddleRow = FALSE ; UpperRow = FALSE ; LowerRow = FALSE ; NumberRow = FALSE ; clrscr () ; gotoxy (30 , 8) ; printf ("Do you want to train :") ; //======================================================================= gotoxy (30 , wherey () + 2) ; printf ("Middle row? : ") ; while ( tolower(ch = getch () ) != Y && tolower(ch) != N ) { gotoxy (30 , wherey () + 10) ; printf ("please input y or n only!") ; gotoxy (30 , wherey () - 10) ; printf ("Middle row? : ") ; } if (tolower (ch) == Y) //ask the user if MiddleRow = TRUE ; //he wants printf ("%c" , ch) ; //to train Middle row. gotoxy (30 , 20) ; delline () ; gotoxy (30 , wherey () - 10) ; //======================================================================= gotoxy (30 , wherey() + 2) ; printf ("Upper row? : ") ; while ( tolower(ch = getch () ) != Y && tolower(ch) != N ) { gotoxy (30 , wherey () + 8) ; printf ("please input y or n only!") ; gotoxy (30 , wherey () - 8) ; printf ("Upper row? : ") ; } if (tolower(ch) == Y) UpperRow = TRUE ; //upper row. printf ("%c" , ch) ; gotoxy (30 , 20) ; delline () ; gotoxy (30 , wherey () - 8) ; //======================================================================= gotoxy (30 , wherey () + 2) ; printf ("Lower row? : ") ; while ( tolower(ch = getch () ) != Y && tolower(ch) != N ) { gotoxy (30 , wherey () + 6) ; printf ("please input y or n only!") ; gotoxy (30 , wherey () - 6) ; printf ("Lower row? : ") ; } if (tolower(ch) == Y) //lower row. LowerRow = TRUE ; printf ("%c" , ch) ; gotoxy (30 , 20) ; delline () ; gotoxy (30 , wherey () - 6) ; //======================================================================= gotoxy (30 , wherey () + 2) ; printf ("Number row? : ") ; while ( tolower(ch = getch () ) != Y && tolower(ch) != N ) { gotoxy (30 , wherey () + 4) ; printf ("please input y or n only!") ; gotoxy (30 , wherey () - 4) ; printf ("Number row? : ") ; } if (tolower(ch) == Y) //number row. NumberRow = TRUE ; printf ("%c" , ch) ; gotoxy (30 , 20) ; delline () ; gotoxy (30 , wherey () - 4) ; //====================================================================== if ( MiddleRow + UpperRow + LowerRow + NumberRow == 0 ) { ExitTrainProcess = TRUE ; //if the user has not ExitTrainUserInput = TRUE ; //chosen any row to practise, } //it will exit Trainmode. gotoxy (1 , 25) ; printf ("Press any key when ready.") ; //wait for the user to press getch() ; //any key. } void TrainWord () { ChoiceLetter = FALSE ; } void TrainProcess (int *CorrectInputCount , int *InputCount) { char InputLetter ; if (ChoiceLetter == TRUE) { SelectLetter (InputLetter , CorrectInputCount , InputCount) ; } else { SelectWord (CorrectInputCount , InputCount) ; } } void SelectLetter (char InputLetter , int *CorrectInputCount , int *InputCount) { ExitTrainUserInput = FALSE ; PrintLetter () ; do //Once the user press ESC key , it will exit Train mode { TrainUserInput ( InputLetter , CorrectInputCount , InputCount ) ; } while ( ExitTrainUserInput == FALSE ) ; } void PrintLetter () { //Convert the four choices into binary number to analyst int RowChoice = 1000*MiddleRow + 100*UpperRow + 10*LowerRow + NumberRow ; //make a random number to choose a random row. int RandomRow = random (MiddleRow + UpperRow + LowerRow + NumberRow) + 1 ; int RandomUpperLetter , RandomMiddleLetter , RandomNumberLetter , RandomLowerLetter ; RandomNumberLetter = random (10) ; //from 0 to 9 RandomUpperLetter = random (10) ; //generate a random //from 0 to 9 RandomMiddleLetter = random (9) ; // from 0 to 8 RandomLowerLetter = random (7) ; //from 0 to 6 switch (RowChoice) { /*number only*/ case 1 : RequiredLetter=NumberRowLetters[RandomNumberLetter]; //from 0 to 9 break ; /*lower only*/ case 10 : RequiredLetter=LowerRowLetters[RandomLowerLetter]; break ; case 11 : switch (RandomRow) { case 1 : RequiredLetter=LowerRowLetters[RandomLowerLetter]; break ; case 2 : RequiredLetter=NumberRowLetters[RandomNumberLetter]; break ; } break ; /*upper only*/ case 100 : RequiredLetter=UpperRowLetters[RandomUpperLetter]; break ; case 101 : switch (RandomRow) { case 1 : RequiredLetter=UpperRowLetters[RandomUpperLetter]; break ; case 2 : RequiredLetter=NumberRowLetters[RandomNumberLetter]; break ; } break ; case 110 : switch (RandomRow) { case 1 : RequiredLetter=UpperRowLetters[RandomUpperLetter]; break ; case 2 : RequiredLetter=LowerRowLetters[RandomLowerLetter]; break ; } break ; case 111 : switch (RandomRow) { case 1 : RequiredLetter=UpperRowLetters[RandomUpperLetter]; break ; case 2 : RequiredLetter=LowerRowLetters[RandomLowerLetter]; break ; case 3 : RequiredLetter=NumberRowLetters[RandomNumberLetter]; break ; } break ; /*middle only*/ case 1000 : RequiredLetter=MiddleRowLetters[RandomMiddleLetter]; break ; case 1001 : switch (RandomRow) { case 1 : RequiredLetter=MiddleRowLetters[RandomMiddleLetter]; break ; case 2 : RequiredLetter=NumberRowLetters[RandomNumberLetter]; break ; } break ; case 1010 : switch (RandomRow) { case 1 : RequiredLetter=MiddleRowLetters[RandomMiddleLetter]; break ; case 2 : RequiredLetter=LowerRowLetters[RandomLowerLetter]; break ; } break ; case 1011 : switch (RandomRow) { case 1 : RequiredLetter=MiddleRowLetters[RandomMiddleLetter]; break ; case 2 : RequiredLetter=LowerRowLetters[RandomLowerLetter]; break ; case 3 : RequiredLetter=NumberRowLetters[RandomNumberLetter]; break ; } break ; case 1100 : switch (RandomRow) { case 1 : RequiredLetter=MiddleRowLetters[RandomMiddleLetter]; break ; case 2 : RequiredLetter=UpperRowLetters[RandomUpperLetter]; break ; } break ; case 1101 : switch (RandomRow) { case 1 : RequiredLetter=MiddleRowLetters[RandomMiddleLetter]; break ; case 2 : RequiredLetter=UpperRowLetters[RandomUpperLetter]; break ; case 3 : RequiredLetter=NumberRowLetters[RandomNumberLetter]; break ; } break ; case 1110 : switch (RandomRow) { case 1 : RequiredLetter=MiddleRowLetters[RandomMiddleLetter]; break ; case 2 : RequiredLetter=UpperRowLetters[RandomUpperLetter]; break ; case 3 : RequiredLetter=LowerRowLetters[RandomLowerLetter]; break ; } break ; /*All the rows*/ case 1111 : switch (RandomRow) { case 1 : RequiredLetter=MiddleRowLetters[RandomMiddleLetter]; break ; case 2 : RequiredLetter=UpperRowLetters[RandomUpperLetter]; break ; case 3 : RequiredLetter=LowerRowLetters[RandomLowerLetter]; break ; case 4 : RequiredLetter=NumberRowLetters[RandomNumberLetter]; break ; } break ; default : printf("\nYou are at the default position") ; } clrscr () ; gotoxy (1 , 19) ; //Show all the choices the user has chosen printf ("You are praticing :") ; if (MiddleRow) printf ("\nMiddle row.") ; if (UpperRow) printf ("\nUpper row.") ; if (LowerRow) printf ("\nLower row.") ; if (NumberRow) printf ("\nNumber row.") ; gotoxy (30 , 25) ; printf ("Press ESC to quit.") ; gotoxy (40 , 12) ; printf ("%c" , RequiredLetter) ; TimeStart = clock () ; //record the current time as start time } void TrainUserInput (char InputLetter , int *CorrectInputCount , int *InputCount) { gotoxy (40 , 13) ; InputLetter = getch () ; //wait for the user to input choice if (InputLetter == ESC) //Pressed ESC key { EndTrainMode () ; } else { if (InputLetter == RequiredLetter) //Typed correctly { TrainOutputLetter (InputLetter , CorrectInputCount , InputCount) ; } else //Typed wrongly { (*InputCount) ++ ; } } } void EndTrainMode () { ExitTrainUserInput = TRUE ; ExitTrainProcess = TRUE ; } void TrainOutputLetter (int InputLetter , int *CorrectInputCount , int *InputCount) { TimeStop = clock () ; //Record the current time as stop time (*CorrectInputCount) ++ ; (*InputCount) ++ ; printf ("%c" , InputLetter) ; ExitTrainUserInput = TRUE ; //Accumulate the time used of the user to type many letters TimeUsed = TimeUsed + (TimeStop - TimeStart) / CLK_TCK ; } void SelectWord (int *CorrectInputCount , int *InputCount) { char Word[20] ; int Count ; ExitTrainUserInputWord = FALSE ; for (Count = 0 ; Count < 20 ; Count++) { Word[Count] = 0 ; } PrintWord (Word) ; do { TrainUserInputWord (Word , CorrectInputCount , InputCount) ; } while ( (ExitTrainUserInputWord == FALSE) && (EndOfWord == FALSE) ) ; } void PrintWord (char *Word) { FILE *FilePointer ; long int Random = random (20000) , Count = 0 ; FilePointer = fopen ("words.txt" , "r") ; clrscr () ; if (FilePointer == NULL) { printf ("Cannot open the file ''words.txt''." "\nPlease copy it into the directory.") ; ExitTrainUserInputWord = TRUE ; ExitTrainProcess = TRUE ; } else { fseek (FilePointer , 16 * Random , SEEK_SET) ; while ( (Word[Count] = fgetc(FilePointer)) != '' '' && (Word[Count++] != ''\n'') ) {} gotoxy (35 , 12) ; for (Count = 0 ; Count < 20 ; Count++) { printf ( "%c" , Word[Count] ) ; } gotoxy (1 , 25) ; printf ("Press any key to start!") ; getch () ; //wait for the user to press any key delline () ; //delete all the content of the current line gotoxy (35 , 13) ; EndOfWord = FALSE ; fclose (FilePointer) ; } } void TrainUserInputWord (char *Word , int *CorrectInputCount , int *InputCount) { char InputLetter ; static Count = 0 ; int x = wherex () , y = wherey () ; gotoxy (27 , 19) ; printf ("Time used : ") ; gotoxy (27 , 20) ; printf ("Accuracy : ") ; gotoxy (27 , 21) ; printf ("Speed : ") ; gotoxy (27 , 22) ; printf ("Wrong letters : ") ; gotoxy (27 , 23) ; printf ("Typed letters : ") ; gotoxy (x , y) ; while ( !kbhit() ) { if ( *InputCount > 0 ) { double Speed ; float Accuracy = (float) *CorrectInputCount * 100 / *InputCount ; int WrongInput = *InputCount - *CorrectInputCount ; TimeStop = clock () ; TimeUsed = TimeUsed + (TimeStop - TimeStart) / CLK_TCK ; Speed = *CorrectInputCount / 5 / (TimeUsed / 60) ; TimeStart = clock () ; gotoxy (45 , 19) ; printf ("%10.2f seconds" , TimeUsed) ; gotoxy (45 , 20) ; printf ("%10.2f %%" , Accuracy) ; gotoxy (45 , 21) ; printf ("%10.2f wpm" , Speed) ; gotoxy (45 , 22) ; printf ("%10d letters" , WrongInput) ; gotoxy (45 , 23) ; printf ("%10d letters" , *InputCount) ; gotoxy (x , y) ; delay (100) ; } } InputLetter = getch () ; if (InputLetter == ESC) { EndTrainWordMode() ; Count = 0 ; } else { if (Word[Count + 1] == 0) { EndOfWord = TRUE ; Count = 0 ; } else { if (InputLetter == Word[Count] ) { TrainOutputWord (CorrectInputCount , InputCount); gotoxy (x , y) ; printf ("%c" , InputLetter) ; Count++ ; } else { (*InputCount) ++ ; } } } } void EndTrainWordMode () { ExitTrainUserInputWord = TRUE ; ExitTrainProcess = TRUE ; } void TrainOutputWord (int *CorrectInputCount , int *InputCount) { (*CorrectInputCount) ++ ; (*InputCount) ++ ; } void TrainCheckIfTyped (int *CorrectInputCount , int *InputCount) { if (*InputCount) //if the user has typed some letters { TrainReport (CorrectInputCount , InputCount) ; } } void TrainReport (int *CorrectInputCount , int *InputCount) { double Accuracy = *CorrectInputCount * 100 / *InputCount ; double Speed = *CorrectInputCount / 5 / (TimeUsed / 60) ; int WrongInput = *InputCount - *CorrectInputCount ; clrscr () ; //Display the report gotoxy ( 20 , 8 ) ; printf ( "Time used : %10.2f seconds per letter." , (float) TimeUsed / *CorrectInputCount) ; gotoxy ( 20 , 10 ) ; printf ( "Character Typed : %10d letters" , *InputCount) ; gotoxy ( 20 , 12 ) ; printf ( "WrongInput : %10d letters" , WrongInput) ; gotoxy ( 20 , 14 ) ; printf ( "Accuracy : %10.2f %%" , Accuracy) ; gotoxy ( 20 , 16 ) ; printf ( "Speed : %10.2f wpm (words per minute)" , Speed) ; gotoxy ( 20 , 25 ) ; printf ( "Press any key (except ESC) to exit") ; //wait for the user to press while ( getch () == ESC ) {} //any key to exit } void QuitConfirm () { char QuitChoice ; clrscr () ; gotoxy (30 , 12) ; printf ("Really want to quit? (y/n) : ") ; //wait for the user to press y or n if ( (QuitChoice = getch ()) != ESC ) { while ( (tolower(QuitChoice) != Y ) && ( tolower(QuitChoice) != N) ) { clrscr () ; gotoxy (25 , 12) ; printf ("Please press ''y'' or ''n'' only!") ; gotoxy (25 , 14) ; printf ("Really want to quit? (y/n) : ") ; QuitChoice = getch () ; } } printf ("%c" , QuitChoice) ; if (tolower(QuitChoice) == Y) //if the user pressed y , { //then exit the program EndBody () ; } } void EndBody() { ExitProgram = TRUE ; } void EndProgram () { } hey everyone the above program is a typing game... I seem to get these errors 71 typing.cpp implicit declaration of function `int randomize(...)'' 79 typing.cpp parse error before `{'' 82 typing.cpp ANSI C++ forbids declaration `ExitProgram'' with no type 82 typing.cpp conflicting types for `int ExitProgram'' 53 typing.cpp previous declaration as `enum Boolean ExitProgram'' 83 typing.cpp parse error before `}'' 99 typing.cpp `WHITE'' undeclared (first use this function) 99 typing.cpp (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once oh many errors..i don''t know what todo and ther''es 28 errors don''t know why though
First of all, please don''t post enormous code snippets. And if you do, please use the [ source ] [ /source ] tags to format them properly.

Second, posting an entire program and asking people to debug it for you is probably not a good idea.

That said, I had a quick glance, and immediately noticed two errors. It seems that the randomize() function is not defined anywhere, and it seems that your main() function doesn''t end properly (where''s the closing brace?).
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
sorry..sorry..i''m really new at this thing..and this is all new to me

how DO you intialize randomize
i''ve learned how to do srand (time(0));
but i don''t think that''ll work
how do i declare delay?
how do I declare wherex...wherey..textbackground, clrscr..and all those others?..i have so many of these errors
and what does this mean?
986 typing.cpp
ANSI C++ forbids declaration `Count'' with no type


srand((unsigned int) time(0)) will work. It sets the random number generator''s seed, so that subsequent calls to rand() will appear random.

static Count = 0 ;
Try changing that to ''static int Count = 0;''

As for wherex(), wherey() and the rest ... I don''t think those are ANSI C functions, so the compiler you are using may not support them.
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
What do you actually want? Shall the community write programms for you? You wanted to start a RPG (from a previous post)?
I would start with learning the programming language first before doing any more complicated things. what exactly is ANSI C?

and how do i make it work for the compiler?
quote:Original post by willsterstyle what exactly is ANSI C?

and how do i make it work for the compiler?
You don''t know how many times I''ve asked myself those very same questions... and I''ve been programming since the 80''s...

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~The Feature Creep of the Family~
--------------------------~The Feature Creep of the Family~
ANSI C is the standard C adopted in 1989 (and modified in 1999) ... and you make it work for the compiler by telling the compiler to use STRICT ANSI compatibility ... so it won''t let you do things that aren''t allowed in the standard ..

BUT this doesn''t relly matter in the real world ... if programming C ... just get any book newer than 1993 and you''ll be fine ...

for C++ your book should be from 1998 or newer ... since much changed in 1995-1997.

second ... you do not type in and debug a program this large when you''re new ... you do it one piece at a time ... type a main function ... get it running ... add a second function .. etc etc ... until each bug is worked out as you add each function.

good luck
Aw, Xai... I wanted to answer that one!
>>Found when using "ANSI" for my msdn library index keyword- took 5 seconds<<:
"ANSI: An acronym for the American National Standards Institute, an organization that sets standards for a variety of programming languages and systems."
"ANSI C" is the standard for the C programming language. By having a standard set, anyone can produce compilers, and end users (like us) can share long, erroneous posts with each other asking for fixes to programs that have never run, on any of them.
Some things I noticed:
1) #include needs something after it- a library like , for instance.
2) Two function calls don''t necessitate the declaration of a new function, nor, in the case of...
  void TrainWord(){ChoiceLetter = FALSE;}  
do you need function called to set one boolean. Maintainability and readability is the goal here, not getting it into as many pieces as possible.
enum Boolean { FALSE , TRUE }; 
Um... sorry, but that was done several years ago- try using "bool" as a data type- it was the first one invented. (binary code IS booleans)
--------------------------~The Feature Creep of the Family~

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