Best way to make a high performance timer?

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0 comments, last by Brobanx 22 years, 3 months ago
What''s the best way (using Win32 or directx) to make a high performace timer? Right now it''s working fiarly well when I''m using QueryPerformanceTimer(), but the docs say that this will always return 0 if the hardware doesn''t support a high-performance timer. Is this a major concern or do almost all modern (windows) comps support the high performace timer?
Any computer beyond a pentium1 (running win9x or higher) will be pretty much guaranteed to have a high performance counter built in.

If you *really* want to make your programs work for 486''s running windows 3.1, then you can built some secondary backup code--if QueryPerformanceCounter fails, then use timeGetTime().

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