code erorr

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3 comments, last by joey81 22 years, 2 months ago
if (keys['' ''] && !sp) { sp=TRUE; object++; if(object>5) object=0; } if (!keys['' '']) { sp=FALSE; } if (keys[VK_PRIOR]) { z-=0.02f; } if (keys[VK_NEXT]) { z+=0.02f; } if (keys[VK_UP]) { xspeed-=0.01f; } if (keys[VK_DOWN]) { xspeed+=0.01f; } if (keys[VK_RIGHT]) { yspeed+=0.01f; } if (keys[VK_LEFT]) { yspeed-=0.01f; } if (keys[''t''] && !tp) { tp=TRUE; while(xspeed!=0.00f) { xspeed=0.00f; } while(yspeed!=0.0f) { yspeed=0.00f; } } if (!keys[''t'']) { tp=FALSE; } Hi, I''m using Nehe''s Quadratic tutorial here. Ok. My problem is that when the image is rotating after the arrow keys are pressed, i want to stop the rotation by pressing the ''t'' key. But i cant seem to get it.... What''s wrong with my coding?? Can anyone help??? Thanks in advance....
Have you tried changing ''t'' to ''T''?
I''m not sure whether that will make a difference, but give it a go. If you still can''t get it working, try making it a different key, like backspace or something (VK_DELETE)...

All key commands must be in capitals in order for them to work so..

if (keys[''t''] && !tp) becomes if (keys[''T''] && !tp)

Plus I dont see the code that relates to when ''T'' is pressed except the tp code. To stop the object put this under the T key code.

if (keys[''T''] && !tp){


Plus I dont think you need the following

/*these would seem to loop to infinity unless you had a thread going to exit*/


I''ve got it!!
Thanks alot for your help!!
for coding purposes you don''t even need this
  if (keys[''T''] && !tp){ tp=TRUE; xspeed=0.00f; yspeed=0.00f;}if (!keys[''T'']){ tp=FALSE;}  

Quicker to do this

  if(keys[''T'']) xspeed=yspeed=0.0f;  

Less processing, neater, and much easier to debug.
You do not need the "T press" checking as it isn''t a toggle switch, just a push button.

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