Problems with CD3DFont...

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2 comments, last by Moe 22 years, 2 months ago
I am trying to make a simple FPS counter in my program. I don''t really have the time to write my own bitmap font engine, so I figured I would use ID3DXFont, which was working. I looked at Drunken Hyena''s web site ( and he has a tutorial on something called CD3DFont. I have been looking through his code. Whenever I try to compile my program that tries to use CD3DFont, it gives me the following errors:
error C2252: ''g_font'' : pure specifier can only be specified for functions
error C2065: ''g_font'' : undeclared identifier
I can''t figure out what the heck I am doing wrong. Can anyone help me? I can post my source if necessary. Moe''s Site
Post please the part of source where g_font is declared.
(...maybe some misusing of "virtual" word?..)
Ok, I messed around with it a bit more, and now I am getting some different error messages:
  unresolved external symbol "public: long __thiscall CD3DFont::RestoreDeviceObjects(void)" (?RestoreDeviceObjects@CD3DFont@@QAEJXZ)unresolved external symbol "public: long __thiscall CD3DFont::InitDeviceObjects(struct IDirect3DDevice8 *)" (?InitDeviceObjects@CD3DFont@@QAEJPAUIDirect3DDevice8@@@Z)unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall CD3DFont::CD3DFont(char *,unsigned long,unsigned long)" (??0CD3DFont@@QAE@PADKK@Z)//and so on...  

Here is how I am trying to use CD3DFont...
Headers and initialization:
  #include "d3dfont.h"//further into the program//the font thingCD3DFont *g_font;//inside my initialization function for d3d...g_font=new CD3DFont("Arial", //The name of the font we want to load                       26,      //The size of the font                       D3DFONT_BOLD); //Flags supported are:D3DFONT_ITALIC and D3DFONT_BOLD   //This set us SOME of the required objects   g_font->InitDeviceObjects(lpd3ddevice);   g_font->RestoreDeviceObjects();  

My rendering...
  char buffer[20];	float fps=0.0f;	fps = 1.0f/timer.Delta;	sprintf(buffer,"FPS:%.2f",fps);	d3d.g_font->DrawText(0, //X position in screen coordinates                       0, //Y position in screen coordinates                       0xFFBBBBBB, //Colour                       buffer);  //String to be rendered  

The shutdown code...
  //Not much to do here, just delete the object..   if(g_font){      delete g_font;      g_font=NULL;   }  

Moe''s Site
Anyone at all? I am willing to zip up and part with the source if anyone wants it.

Moe''s Site

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