What is the size limit ???

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0 comments, last by Bullmax 22 years, 2 months ago
I don''t know what is the maximum size of the index buffer and the vertex buffer in bytes. I want a safe size that is supported by overall cards. I thinked it was 64 kilobytes, but I think I am wrong, do I ? Thanks (to everyone for supporting me with answers) /* Bullmax */ ------------- Reality has many forms : good and evil, black and white, ying and yang.
/* Bullmax */-------------Reality has many forms : good and evil, black and white, yin and yang.
thanks to MS there are no minimul values on many of the caps.
not that anybody would need them NOOOOOOOOOOO...

means: just say "it will not work on bumbass cards" and set your minimum to 4096 or something, and refuse to start if it is lower.

i dont know if there is a "dx caps database" on the internet where you can lookup the caps of cards from multiple vendors to compare or to just see what you can use for "minimum requirements" without pissing off thousands of users.

if anybody knows such a database, please post here
(or if im wrong and there IS a minimum-value for max-vertex-index/max-numvertices).

-- foobar
--- foobarWe push more polygons before breakfast than most people do in a day

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