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0 comments, last by Potato_Tempest 22 years, 2 months ago
How do u color the font in a c++ program?
        void DrawColorString(string szText, int X, int Y, WORD color){		HANDLE OutputH;		// This will be used for our handle to the output (basically, holds permission to change the output settings)	COORD position = {X, Y};	// Create a COORD and set it's x and y to the X and Y passed in.	OutputH = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);	// Get a OUTPUT handle to our screen.	SetConsoleTextAttribute(OutputH, color);	// Set the text attribute to what ever color that was passed in.	// The function SetConsoleTextAttribute takes (the handle to the output, and the color);	SetConsoleCursorPosition(OutputH, position);	// Set the cursor position to the desire position passed in.	cout << szText;		// Now print out what we wanted to at the position that was passed in.}void main(){	DrawColorString("Red",  0, 0, FOREGROUND_RED);		// Draw "Red" in the color RED.  Draw "White" in the color WHITE.  	//If we OR ("|") the colors together, it becomes white.	DrawColorString("White",10, 1, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE);	DrawColorString("Blue", 20, 2, FOREGROUND_BLUE);		// Draw "Blue" in the color BLUE.	DrawColorString("Red",  0, 4, BACKGROUND_RED);		// Draw "Red" with a background of RED.  Draw "White" with a background of WHITE.	DrawColorString("White",10, 5, BACKGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_GREEN | BACKGROUND_BLUE);	DrawColorString("Blue", 20, 6, BACKGROUND_BLUE);	// Draw "Blue" with a background of BLUE.								// Draw a Red text color with a green background.	DrawColorString("Color Text!", 0, 8, FOREGROUND_RED | BACKGROUND_GREEN);		// This puts the "Press any key to continue..." on the next line.	DrawColorString("", 0, 9, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE);}        

Edited by - bsxrider on February 3, 2002 7:11:37 PM

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