inline functions problem

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21 comments, last by glJunkie 22 years, 2 months ago
So let me get it... if I split the class into .h (declaration) and .cpp (implementation), even if I use inline when I write the functions in the .cpp file, they still won''t be inlined (even if they are VERY short)?
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Correct cearny, they have to go in the H file.

- seb
Not totally correct. I can have an inline function defined in a .CPP file that only the .CPP file uses, and that will be inlined correctly. For instance, if I have a private helper function that needs to access class variables, I can declare it private and inlined, define it in the .CPP file, and as long as my entire class is in that file everything''s fine.

We should really put up a tutorial on inline functions, there seems to be a lot of confusion about it. The main thing to get is that there is nothing magically different between .cpp and .h files; they''re really _all_ code files, and the .h files let you tack on common parts to your different .cpp files. If a function is inline, whoever uses it has to have the definition--NOT just the object code. If you understand all that, you should understand when & where to put your inline functions.
Stoffel, I recently submitted an article covering this and related issues, which should be going up in a few weeks. Although it''s not 100% comprehensive and doesn''t quote from the standard every few paragraphs (as a truly accurate explanation would have to), it gives enough information to prevent people from having this problem.

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Inline functions cannot be called from classes that are instantiated as pointers.

For example:

class TEST
void inline m_function(what ever);

TEST* test;

you will get the unresolved external symbol.
if you did this though you wont get that error.

TEST test;

In words of one syllable: false.
In words of more than one syllable, null_pointer, can you say why this is false?

Many thanks to everyone for these replies.

It''s false because it''s simply not the case - you can call inline functions from pointers to a class.

    #include <stdio.h>class test{public:	void inline f(void) {printf("Hello\n");}};void main(void){	test *a = new test;	a->f();}    

Compiled and linked without any errors and warnings what so ever. And when executed, it outputs "hello", as expected. Compiled with MSVC 6 in release mode with language extensions disabled.

So yes, you can inline functions called from pointers.

Edited by - Brother Bob on February 5, 2002 9:35:44 AM
Umm, about these inline functions, I think you''ll find that in VC6 that inlining is a function of the compiler and NOT the linker. What this means, in human terms, is that if the compiler cannot find the inline function''s definition then it can''t inline the function. Therefore if you include the inline function in the .h file rather than the .cpp file then the compiler can inline that function in any module which includes that .h file. If you define the inline function in a different module (i.e. in the cpp file) then the compiler can''t find the definition in that module and can''t inline it, the linker then goes nuts because the compiler says the function should have been inlined only it hasn''t ben.

Also __forceinline does NOT force the compiler to inline the function. When the compiler inlines functions it performs an analysis to determine whether or not the inline would be beneficial, since sometimes inlining can actually slow down code (apparently). __forceinline tells the compiler to ignore this analysis, nothing else. Inline functions can still be disbaled via the compiler settings (in VC6 go to the project settings dialog, then to the C/C++ tab, then the Optimizations category) and this disabling will affect __forceinline as well. Also some functions can NEVER be inlined:

1) Virtual functions, since the functions address is not resolved until run-time.
2) Functions which have variable length argument lists (though not ones which use default arguments)
3) Functions called via function pointers
4) Functions which return unwindable objects by value. I have to admit I''m not too sure what this means, it has something to do with the instruction stack...
5) Any function which uses exception handling of a different type to the function calling it.

Interestingly enough though certain rules which I was taught about inlining aren''t true in VC6, for example:

1) You can inline functions which contain loops.
2) You can also inline recursive functions, to do so use the following pragma in the modules you want the inlining to work:

#pragma(inline_recursion, on)

This will allow the compiler to inline the recursive function up to 8 times, you can change this value by using this pragma:

#pragma inline_depth( [0... 255] )

If you really want to know whether the compiler can inline a function then use ''__forceinline'' and, after making sure that inlining is enabled, try and compile the module. If the inlining fails the compiler will generate a level 1 warning with the value 4714

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