Pallete trouble

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8 comments, last by Mike Lue 22 years, 1 month ago
I have been playing with pallete for a while now, but having some troubles. Here is the code i haveI am expecting the whole surface set to be green but the result is that there is one seventh of the surface on the top are white and the rest is black. Can anyone tell why?): //here I changed my pallete LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE m_lpDDPal; // the palette object PALETTEENTRY m_mypal[256]; // stores palette stuff m_mypal[255].peRed = 0; m_mypal[255].peGreen = 255; m_mypal[255].peBlue = 0; m_lpDD->CreatePalette(DDPCAPS_8BIT | DDPCAPS_ALLOW256, m_mypal, &m_lpDDPal, NULL); m_lpDDPrimary->SetPalette(m_lpDDPal); //here i changed the color of the whole surface DDSURFACEDESC ddsd2; ddsd2.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd2); m_lpDDBack->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd2); int width = ddsd2.lPitch; int height = ddsd2.dwHeight; double_buffer = Lock_Back_Buffer(); for(int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { double_buffer = 255; } m_lpDDBack->Unlock(NULL); m_lpDDPrimary->Flip(NULL,0); Thanks in advance
Where is it that you''ve initialized all of your palette''s colors? I only see you initializing color 255''s.
Here is the code to init all my pallete:

int index = 0;
for (index=95;index<200;index++)
m_mypal[index].peRed = index+70;
m_mypal[index].peGreen = index+30;
m_mypal[index].peBlue = rand()%10;
for (index = 1; index < 35; index++)
m_mypal[index].peRed = index+25;
m_mypal[index].peGreen = rand()%10;
m_mypal[index].peBlue = rand()%10;
for (index = 35; index < 55; index++)
m_mypal[index].peRed = index+25;
m_mypal[index].peGreen = index-25;
m_mypal[index].peBlue = rand()%10;
for (index = 55; index < 95; index++)
m_mypal[index].peRed = index+75;
m_mypal[index].peGreen = index;
m_mypal[index].peBlue = rand()%5;
for(index = 200; index < 255; index++)
m_mypal[index].peRed = index;
m_mypal[index].peGreen = index-rand()%25;
m_mypal[index].peBlue = rand()%5;

I am sorry that I am alittle confused about the concept of pallete. Here is the point where I am confused:

if I only use color 255''s as what I did in my code(I want the 255th color to be green), is it nesessary for me to initialize other pallete colors?

Here is the code to init all my pallete:

int index = 0;
for (index=95;index<200;index++)
m_mypal[index].peRed = index+70;
m_mypal[index].peGreen = index+30;
m_mypal[index].peBlue = rand()%10;
for (index = 1; index < 35; index++)
m_mypal[index].peRed = index+25;
m_mypal[index].peGreen = rand()%10;
m_mypal[index].peBlue = rand()%10;
for (index = 35; index < 55; index++)
m_mypal[index].peRed = index+25;
m_mypal[index].peGreen = index-25;
m_mypal[index].peBlue = rand()%10;
for (index = 55; index < 95; index++)
m_mypal[index].peRed = index+75;
m_mypal[index].peGreen = index;
m_mypal[index].peBlue = rand()%5;
for(index = 200; index < 255; index++)
m_mypal[index].peRed = index;
m_mypal[index].peGreen = index-rand()%25;
m_mypal[index].peBlue = rand()%5;

I am sorry that I am alittle confused about the concept of pallete. Here is the point where I am confused:

if I only use color 255''s as what I did in my code(I want the 255th color to be green), is it nesessary for me to initialize other pallete colors?

No, sorry, I hadn''t read your post thoroughly. Are you sure that yours surface is created properly (to be 8 bits per pixel)?
I am just a newbie to directx so I am not so sure how you can set a surface 8bit per pixel. I guess here is what you mean:

m_lpDD->SetDisplayMode( 800, 600, 8/*(8 bit per pixel)*/);

Can anyone please help this poor kid out?~~~~~~?
int width = ddsd2.lPitch;
int height = ddsd2.dwHeight;


int width = ddsd2.dwWidth;
int height = ddsd2.dwHeight;

pitch is the ratio of pixels to metres (or similar).

Also if that does not work then perhaps using ''&''.

m_lpDD->CreatePalette(DDPCAPS_8BIT | DDPCAPS_ALLOW256, &m_mypal, &m_lpDDPal, NULL);



Never used the pallette, so can''t say for sure.

I am sorry,still not working out!!!!!!!!!

MY GOD!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~

Pitch is the distance between row 0 of each column in the frame buffer. When you draw to the surface by directly manipulating its contents, make sure you use the surface''s pitch rather than its width in your calculation from a coordinate to an address, as in address = (y * pitch) + x.

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