rotating an object around a point

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11 comments, last by IDontKnowJack 22 years ago
glRotate takes the angle in degrees (yes, its actually degrees and not radians) and the axis of rotation.

glRotatef (90, 0, 1, 0);

rotates by 90 degrees with respect to the origin about the y axis.
so the first is the rotation angle and the second the axis around which it will be rotated thx

is there another rotation where i can specify the angle at every axis?
there is no "angle at each axis", the euler-angles are completely wrong math, works only in integrals for differencials of angles.

axis-angles are the way to go, its always an angle around some axis, nothing more, nothing less.

for good rotation/orientation-representation, use quaternions or 3x3-rotation-matrices. you can find a lot of info about it..

to rotate around a point, bring the point to the origin, rotate around the origin, and move back..
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

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