Quake3 Visibility Culling

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1 comment, last by weasalmongler 22 years ago
I am building a Quake3 bsp renderer (Like you didn''t already know with the amount of posts I''ve put out on the subject!!!!). I now wish to implement the visibility stuff so that I can work out what to draw. I have no idea how to do this. I think that I use the bsp tree to work out what leaf I am in, and then use what leaf I am in to work out what leafs can be seen. These should then be rendered. I have no idea what the test is to test visibility, or how to ''walk'' the bsp tree to find out what leaf I am in. I can render the leafs easily if I can work out which is visible. Am I correct with any of this and could you help me with some of the details of this method. Thx again. -Weasalmongler
Could anybody help, I am new to this sort of thing and obviously aren''t any good, so I am desperate here!

First try rendering using the BSP tree, and ignore the PVS information. Once you know how to traverse the BSP, you can easily find your cluster. From there, utilizing the PVS info is a snap.

The how''s and why''s of traversing BSP are well known. Check the articles & resources here at game dev. The BSP tree FAQ in particular is very useful.

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