they eat my app

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1 comment, last by Vendayan 21 years, 11 months ago
How do I make it sao that screensavers won''t tear my app apart? Im using DX (obviously or I wouldn''t have posted here right ) and Win98. Any ideas about how this can be fixed? ~Vendayan
"Never have a battle of wits with an unarmed man. He will surely attempt to disarm you as well"~Vendayan
Try this in your WndProc()

      case WM_SYSCOMMAND:////////////////////////////////// S C R E E N S A V E R //////        switch(wParam&0xfff0)        {        case SC_MONITORPOWER:        case SC_SCREENSAVE:            return(0);        break;        }        break;  

It will stop screen savers or power saving been activated.

"Never have a battle of wits with an unarmed man. He will surely attempt to disarm you as well"~Vendayan

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