per_pixel matrix transformations

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2 comments, last by oscar_b 21 years, 11 months ago
Does opengl have a facility for specifying (and performing) per-pixel matrix transformations when mapping a texture? (Regardless of how slow it probably would be)
You have a texture matrix, along with the projection and modelview, but that transforms your texture coordinates, not the pixels in your texture. Your pixels lie on the plane that represents your triangle, which is transformed by the modelview and projection matrices... I don't know what you want to do that might be different from this.

- outRider -

[edited by - outRider on April 29, 2002 1:46:17 PM]
Having thought about it a bit, I''ve realised that matrices aren''t gonna do what I want them to do, but I was wondering if if you could use matrices to map each screen pixel rather than just the vertices, which would give impressive perspective calculations at expense of frame rate. But, thanks anyway.
The pixels in your texture will be perspective corrected to go along with your vertices, practically all hardware these days supports this, unless you work with a Playstation 1.

- outRider -

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