.EXE test

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3 comments, last by doctorsixstring 21 years, 11 months ago
Is there a way to test whether or not a certain program is running? Thanks, Mike
If you have Win2k or XP (if not then get it!) then you can use the task manager to show all processes. VC++ also comes with a utility program that shows processes too
Oops, should have clarified more. What I mean is that I want to test to see if a particular application is running from within my program. I want to know if there is a function that will return true/false or whatever, given a particular *.exe file. I''m using Visual C++ 6.0.
Certainly. Use the toolhelp API for Win95+ and NT5+:


or PSAPI for NT4+:


Edit: forgot about NT4!

[edited by - IndirectX on April 29, 2002 5:00:32 PM]
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
Thanks IndirectX, that helped a lot. I now have a great little function to test if programs are running. In case anybody else ever needs something like this, I''ll post it here:

  /////////////////////// bool IsAppRunning( char *filename ) - tests to see if the given filename is currently//   running/////////////////////bool IsAppRunning( char *filenameIn, bool bReturnMessage ){	char szTemp[64];	HANDLE processes = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );	PROCESSENTRY32 processEntry;	processEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);			Process32First( processes, &processEntry);	while( GetLastError()!=ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES )	{		//extract filename from path		char *filename = PathFindFileName(processEntry.szExeFile);		if( strcmp( _strlwr(filename), _strlwr( filenameIn ) ) == 0)		{			if(bReturnMessage)			{				sprintf(&szTemp[0], "%s is currently running", _strlwr( filenameIn ) );				MessageBox(NULL, szTemp, "Process Found", MB_OK);			}			return true;		}		Process32Next( processes, &processEntry);	}	CloseHandle(processes);	if(bReturnMessage)	{		sprintf(&szTemp[0], "%s is not running.", _strlwr( filenameIn ) );		MessageBox(NULL, szTemp, "Process Not Found", MB_OK);	}	return false;}  

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