Pong in SDL

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8 comments, last by Quantrizi 21 years, 11 months ago
I was at cone3d.gamedev.net trying to get bitmaps to load for my pong game I''m currently making....but can''t seem to get it to work. I can use it''s source, compile, and it''ll work. If I do it myself, it won''t work. Does anyone know what to do?
What errors does it give?
No errors. Just won''t show....just shows a black screen with the cursor and such.
Try posting your code here so we can look at it,

Ballistic Programs

  #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <SDL/SDL.h>SDL_Surface *image;SDL_Surface *screen;SDL_Surface *lod;void DrawPixel(SDL_Surface *lod, int x, int y,                                    Uint8 R, Uint8 G, Uint8 B);void Slock(SDL_Surface *lod){  if ( SDL_MUSTLOCK(lod) )  {    if ( SDL_LockSurface(lod) < 0 )    {      return;    }  }}void Sulock(SDL_Surface *lod){  if ( SDL_MUSTLOCK(lod) )  {    SDL_UnlockSurface(lod);  }}void DrawPixel(SDL_Surface *lod, int x, int y,                                    Uint8 R, Uint8 G, Uint8 B){  Uint32 color = SDL_MapRGB(lod->format, R, G, B);  switch (lod->format->BytesPerPixel)  {    case 1: // Assuming 8-bpp      {        Uint8 *bufp;        bufp = (Uint8 *)lod->pixels + y*lod->pitch + x;        *bufp = color;      }      break;    case 2: // Probably 15-bpp or 16-bpp      {        Uint16 *bufp;        bufp = (Uint16 *)lod->pixels + y*lod->pitch/2 + x;        *bufp = color;      }      break;    case 3: // Slow 24-bpp mode, usually not used      {        Uint8 *bufp;        bufp = (Uint8 *)lod->pixels + y*lod->pitch + x * 3;        if(SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_LIL_ENDIAN)        {          bufp[0] = color;          bufp[1] = color >> 8;          bufp[2] = color >> 16;        } else {          bufp[2] = color;          bufp[1] = color >> 8;          bufp[0] = color >> 16;        }      }      break;    case 4: // Probably 32-bpp      {        Uint32 *bufp;        bufp = (Uint32 *)lod->pixels + y*lod->pitch/4 + x;        *bufp = color;      }      break;  }}void DrawScene(SDL_Surface *lod){  Slock(lod);  for(int x=0;x<640;x++)  {    for(int y=0;y<480;y++)    {      DrawPixel(lod, x,y,y/2,y/2,x/3);    }  }  Sulock(lod);  SDL_Flip(lod);}int xpos=0,ypos=0;int InitImages(){  image = SDL_LoadBMP("Image1.bmp");  return 0;}int SDL_BlitSurface(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect,                        SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect);void DrawIMG(SDL_Surface *img, int x, int y){  SDL_Rect dest;  dest.x = 0;  dest.y = 0;  SDL_BlitSurface(img, NULL, screen, &dest);}void DrawScene(){  DrawIMG(image, xpos, ypos);  SDL_Flip(screen);}int main(int argc, char *argv[]){  Uint8* keys;    if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO|SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0 )  {    printf("Unable to load SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());    exit(1);  }  atexit(SDL_Quit);  screen=SDL_SetVideoMode(640,480,32,SDL_HWSURFACE|SDL_DOUBLEBUF);  if ( screen == NULL )  {    printf("Unable to set 640x480 video: %s\n", SDL_GetError());    exit(1);  }InitImages();  int done=0;  while(done == 0)  {    SDL_Event event;    while ( SDL_PollEvent(&event) )    {      if ( event.type == SDL_QUIT )  {  done = 1;  }      if ( event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN )      {        if ( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE ) { done = 1; }      }    }keys = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL);    if ( keys[SDLK_UP] ) { ypos -= 1; }    if ( keys[SDLK_DOWN] ) { ypos += 1; }    if ( keys[SDLK_LEFT] ) { xpos -= 1; }    if ( keys[SDLK_RIGHT] ) { xpos += 1; }    DrawScene();  }return 0;}  

That''s the source of my program that i''m having problems with
Heres your problem I think, you are putting wrong values into tthe destination rect, you arnt giving it a width or height and are always makign it at the top left, which from the rest of your code I assume you dont want, try this

  void DrawIMG(SDL_Surface *img, int x, int y){  SDL_Rect dest;  dest.x = x;  dest.y = y;dest.h = img->h;dest.w = img->w;  SDL_BlitSurface(img, NULL, screen, &dest);}  

Ballistic Programs
And let me guess, I got to declare the x and y values also....is there a better tutorial place for SDL with BloodShed Dev-C++ besides cone3d.gamedev.net and www.openrpgs.com?
There is one on this site, here.

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Just do what I do. Read the API documentation. SDL really isn''t all that hard, in fact it is much easier than DirectX.

--Baseball isn''''t right. A man can NOT walk with four balls.
--Baseball isn''t right. A man can NOT walk with four balls.
Thanks you both, I think i''ll take a look at the doc.

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