Do you reckon this is any good?

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3 comments, last by d000hg 21 years, 10 months ago
This is my class to keep track of movement and rotation of a 3d model. It is designed to eliminate gimbal lock problems by keeping track of the axes and rotating them with each update. Is this an efficient way of doing things? Also, shouldn't I have to normalise the axis vectors due to floating point errors? I think the code works properly!
class Updateable
	D3DXVECTOR3 Pos,Vel,Omega;	//position vector in world coord, velocity in local coords, angular velocities 

	D3DXMATRIX Axes,T;	//store a matrix for compound rotations, and the final transformation matrix

	Updateable(	float yaw,	float pitch,	float roll,
				float Px,	float Py,		float Pz,
				float Vx,	float Vy,		float Vz,
				float Wx,	float Wy,		float Wz
	void Update();

Updateable::Updateable(	float yaw,	float pitch,	float roll,
				float Px,	float Py,		float Pz,
				float Vx,	float Vy,		float Vz,
				float Wx,	float Wy,		float Wz ) : Pos(Px,Py,Pz) , Vel(Vx,Vy,Vz) , Omega(Wx,Wy,Wz)
	//set up initial rotations

	//Set the Transformation matrix


void Updateable::SetVel(float x,float y,float z)
	Vel.x=x;	Vel.y=y;	Vel.z=z;

void Updateable::SetOmega(float x,float y,float z)
	Omega.x=x;	Omega.y=y;	Omega.z=z;

void Updateable::Update()
	D3DXMATRIX RotateBy;	//how much the model rotates each frame

	D3DXMatrixMultiply(&Axes,&Axes,&RotateBy);	//update rotation matrix

	//Axes/=D3DXMatrixfDeterminant(&Axes);	//aim of this: normalise axes vectors?

	D3DXVECTOR3 TranslateBy;	//how much world coords will change by


	//Now build our 4x4 combined 'rotate then translate' matrix

Looking at the D3DXQuaternion stuff it seems that does exactly the same job. But I thought quaternions were a lot slower to multiply and especially to calculate a world transform matrix from a Quaternion. Which method (mine/proper version of mine/quaternions) do you guys think is most efficient? [edited by - d000hg on June 5, 2002 4:19:39 PM]
First of all, implement framerate-independent motion. Increment things by delta*frametime, not by just delta.

Second, as long as your class keeps you happy, there''s no need to change it.

For my fps-style camera, I use the following data:

Vec3 Position;
// Basis
Vec3 Right, Up, Forward;
float Yaw, Pitch, Roll;

Basis is used for translations, Quake-style: you can strafe independently of where you''re looking. Euler angles define where you''re looking relative to the basis. I choose them instead of quaternions because they''re easier to constrain (say, max angle at which you can be looking up is 80 degrees).
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
Yeah, frame-rate independence is thought of, is the best way to do this to have a world update timer say every 100th of a second and set the rendering loop to run continuously?

Your method is basically the same as mine - keep track of the axes after each rotation.
I thought Quaternions are much quicker ?

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