Terrain texturing (yes, again!)

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1 comment, last by kill 21 years, 10 months ago
Now, before you post a bunch of links, I''ve already read all the tutorials I could find I am thinking how to render really good looking terrain... When rock meets sand and you use alpha gradients to render them, you have to agree, it doesn''t look to realistic. There was an article on gamedev a while ago that I thought was really good. It was related to handling terrain transitions and applied to 2D tilebased games, but it can be used for 3D too. Please glance over it real quick so I don''t have to summarize. I was thinking of using custom alpha maps for every transition, so when grass meets rock, grass is obviously on top of rock and you''ll have random patches of grass on top of a rock texture. Did anyone ever have a similar idea? Or how do YOU render YOUR terrain?
You could add som noise to the gradient so the transition isn''t linear anymore. It probably won''t look super realistic. Or you could generate a sort of tileset with premade transitions. It would mean quite a lot of work though but I think it would look better. They did something like that in Ground Control and that game has really beautiful terrain.

I''d love to see what comes up here, so far everything I''ve tried hasn''t worked wonderfully. (of course the lack of multi-texturing support doesn''t help me much...)
Making a custom transition tileset works great, if you''re good at making tilesets. Which I''m not, so I''ll have to do some more searching and keep an eye on this.

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