I need help with this please

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9 comments, last by mtrneo3 21 years, 10 months ago
This is a little long and doesn't add much, I was just interested and played with it, it would appear that (gcc at least) actually puts both strings into the code segment and then copies the string into the stack to use it, however when dealing with a pointer, it will then go back and attempt to actually modify the pointed to memory (ie in the code segment) - crashing the program, whereas when dealing with the array version it will actually modify the stack.

(asm is in AT&T syntax, operands are reversed from intel and (%eax) means [eax], the rest is hopefully easyish to pick up). No optimizations are on.

      int main(int argc,char** argv){  const char* str1 = "Hello, world";  char str2[] = "Hello again, world";}  


gcc2_compiled.:___gnu_compiled_c:        .def    ___main;        .scl    2;      .type   32;     .endef.textLC0:        .ascii "Hello, world\0"LC1:        .ascii "Hello again, world\0"        .align 4.globl _main        .def    _main;  .scl    2;      .type   32;     .endef_main:        pushl %ebp        movl %esp,%ebp        subl $64,%esp        pushl %edi        pushl %esi        call ___main        movl $LC0,-4(%ebp)        leal -48(%ebp),%eax        leal -48(%ebp),%edi        movl $LC1,%esi        cld        movl $4,%ecx        rep        movsl        movsw        movsbL2:        leal -72(%ebp),%esp        popl %esi        popl %edi        leave        ret 

Note the two strings are defined in the code (text) segment, does exactly the same without the const qualifier.

Then, trying to modify these:

        int main(int argc,char** argv){  char* str1 = "Hello, world";  char str2[] = "Hello again, world";  str1[0] = 'J';}  

Crashes, asm source

        .file   "str1.c"gcc2_compiled.:___gnu_compiled_c:        .def    ___main;        .scl    2;      .type   32;     .endef.textLC0:        .ascii "Hello, world\0"LC1:        .ascii "Hello again, world\0"        .align 4.globl _main        .def    _main;  .scl    2;      .type   32;     .endef_main:        pushl %ebp        movl %esp,%ebp        subl $64,%esp        pushl %edi        pushl %esi        call ___main        movl $LC0,-4(%ebp)        leal -48(%ebp),%eax        leal -48(%ebp),%edi        movl $LC1,%esi        cld        movl $4,%ecx        rep        movsl        movsw        movsb        movl -4(%ebp),%eax        movb $74,(%eax)       # eax points to string (pointer is stored on stack at [ebp - 4] earlier)L2:        leal -72(%ebp),%esp        popl %esi        popl %edi        leave        ret 

And attempting to modify str2:

  int main(int argc,char** argv){  char* str1 = "Hello, world";  char str2[] = "Hello again, world";  str2[0] = 'J';}      


        .file   "str1.c"gcc2_compiled.:___gnu_compiled_c:        .def    ___main;        .scl    2;      .type   32;     .endef.textLC0:        .ascii "Hello, world\0"LC1:        .ascii "Hello again, world\0"        .align 4.globl _main        .def    _main;  .scl    2;      .type   32;     .endef_main:        pushl %ebp        movl %esp,%ebp        subl $64,%esp        pushl %edi        pushl %esi        call ___main        movl $LC0,-4(%ebp)        leal -48(%ebp),%eax        leal -48(%ebp),%edi        movl $LC1,%esi        cld        movl $4,%ecx        rep        movsl        movsw        movsb        movb $74,-48(%ebp)L2:        leal -72(%ebp),%esp        popl %esi        popl %edi        leave        ret   

EDIT: tags

[edited by - JuNC on June 9, 2002 9:53:47 AM]

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