Avoids water/terrain collision problems

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2 comments, last by lapougnou 21 years, 10 months ago
I''m writing a LOD terrain engine and I try to add waters effects. I have some problems because the precision of the depth buffer (24 bits on my TNT) is not enough and cause some trouble when the camera move. Another problem is when the LOD change..
You''ll have to be a bit more precise, I''m afraid...

What kind of problems ? Z-fighting ? A 24bit zbuffer is more than enough for almost every ''standard'' 3D scene.

If you can''t really explain the problem, post a screenshot, that often does the trick.

/ Yann
Yes it''s z-fighting? I tried also with alpha testing, but there is also some fighting-like problems...
Yes it''s z-fighting. I tried also with alpha testing, but there is also some fighting-like problems...

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