Bitmap Transparency - Of the Noob Category

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1 comment, last by fluke 21 years, 10 months ago
I did a quick scan of the forums and DirectX SDK before asking this, but I''m having trouble copying bitmaps from a surface to the back buffer. I''m using the following function to blit the bmp, but it''s just a black bg... which is kind of what the documenation explains. D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface(g_pBackSurface,0,&DestRect2,pSurface2,0,&SrcRect2,D3DX_FILTER_POINT,D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,26,255,123)); Can someone tell me of a D3D func that supports bitmap transparency (even if it''s the pixel at 0,0) or help me use this function correctly. Thanks!
Why don''t you just load your bitmap to a texture and render a textured quad with D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_TEX1 FVF sized to cover the whole screen?

Also, make sure your debug runtime is on.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
sounds good, do you have any code samples? thanks again!

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