Annoying problem with meshs

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10 comments, last by Sheep 21 years, 9 months ago
Argh. Still no luck. The mesh draws, but I am totally at loss about why I get the VB + IB creation errors. I am not directly handling them, but instead I am letting the CD3DMesh class handle everything. I thought I could use that class to get meshes up quickly, but I guess not...

[edited by - Sheep on June 13, 2002 7:53:35 PM]
I thought I''d bump this one up, as I''m experiencing the same thing..

I saw the same debug spew as posted above, and so in the DXFile.cpp, in the Mesh class, check the SetFVF function.

I got the errors to disappear if I modified the clone of the
mesh fvf

  if( m_pSysMemMesh ){        if( FAILED( m_pSysMemMesh->CloneMeshFVF                   (D3DXMESH_SYSTEMMEM | D3DXMESH_WRITEONLY,                     dwFVF,                    pd3dDevice,                    &pTempSysMemMesh ) ) )            return E_FAIL; }  

My only problem is that when I recompiled the "Donuts3D" sample, the terrain disappears..


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