ADT - Array Class

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0 comments, last by BingoClownO 21 years ago
I am refreshing my knowledge of C++ and would like to implement an Array class with a 'grow' function which takes an integer as an argument, and resizes the current array to the specified size. My class an implementation are in the header file array.h, at this point I have drawn a blank as to where to start from with regards to implementing the grow function and wondered if anyone could point me in the right direction? Array.H :

// header: array.h

#ifndef _ADTARRAY
#define _ADTARRAY

#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream.h>

template <class BType, class IType = int>		// defaults are OK here too

class Array
    	BType *arrayData;						// pointer to data

		int lobnd, hibnd;						// 'actual' bounds

		bool outOfRange(IType i);			// function to test bounds

		Array(int SZ = 16, IType lo = 0);// constructor

		Array(const Array &x);				// copy constructor

		~Array();								// destructor

		IType lo() const;						// return this->lobnd

		IType hi() const;						// return this->hibnd

		BType& operator[](IType i);		// overload the [] operator ...

		BType& operator[](IType i) const;// ... and again

		Array<BType, IType>& operator= (const Array<BType, IType> &x);
		  											// overload the = operator

		void grow(int);						// change array size


// implementation

template <class BType, class IType>
Array<BType, IType>::Array(int SZ, IType lo)
	: lobnd(lo), hibnd(lo + SZ - 1)
	assert(SZ > 0);
	arrayData = new BType[SZ];
	assert (arrayData != 0);

template <class BType, class IType>
Array<BType, IType>::Array(const Array<BType, IType> &x)
	: lobnd(x.lobnd), hibnd(x.hibnd)
	arrayData = new BType[hibnd - lobnd + 1];
	assert (arrayData != 0);
	(*this) = x;	// use assignment


template <class BType, class IType>
Array<BType, IType>::~Array()
	delete [] arrayData;

template <class BType, class IType>
inline IType Array<BType, IType>::lo() const
	return lobnd;

template <class BType, class IType>
inline IType Array<BType, IType>::hi() const
	return hibnd;

template <class BType, class IType>
bool Array<BType, IType>::outOfRange(IType i)
	if (i < lobnd || i > hibnd)
		cout << "Array index " << i << " is out of range" << endl;
		return true;
	else return false;

template <class BType, class IType>
BType& Array<BType, IType>::operator[](IType i)
	assert (!outOfRange(i));
	return(arrayData[i - lobnd]);

template <class BType, class IType>
BType& Array<BType, IType>::operator[](IType i) const
	assert (!outOfRange(i));
	return(arrayData[i - lobnd]);

template <class BType, class IType>
Array<BType, IType>& Array<BType, IType>::operator=(const Array<BType, IType> &x)
	assert (hibnd - lobnd == x.hibnd - x.lobnd);    // arrays must be same size

	for (int i = 0; i <= hibnd - lobnd; ++i)
		arrayData[i] = x.arrayData[i];
	return *this;

template <class BType, class IType>
void Array<BType, IType>::grow(int newS)



"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea." - Antoine de Saint Exupery [edited by - BingoClownO on March 30, 2003 7:56:52 PM]
"If you want to build a ship, don''t drum up the men togather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead,teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea." - Antoine de Saint Exupery

  template < class BType, class IType >void Array< BType, IType >::grow(int newS){  // compute existing array dimension  int sz = hibnd - lobnd + 1;   // compute new array upper bound  hibnd += newS;   // allocate "resized" array  BType * newData = new [ hibnd - lobnd + 1 ];  // use new dimensions   // copy over existing values  for( int i = 0; i < sz; ++i )    newData[ i ] = arrayData[ i ];   // optionally zero out remainder of newData:  sz += newS;  for( ; i < sz; ++i )    newData[ i ] = BType(0);  // assumes the existence of null BType value   // release existing array and swap class data pointer  delete [] arrayData;  arrayData = newData;}  

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