OpenGL perspective question

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2 comments, last by JeroMiya 22 years, 7 months ago
I''ve got a question about perspective in OpenGL. I have a scene where there''s an object close to the viewer that (s)he can move around the screen on the xy plane and then press fire to make it move along the z axis towards a target farther away on the z axis. The problem is, no matter where the user moves the object on the screen, it ends up going to a small space in the middle of the screen. How can I widen this perspective a little so that things don''t go towards the horizen as fast?
To select the perspective ratio you select the projection matrix and call gluPerspective(angle, ratio, ZNear, ZFar). Change the angle parameter to change the perspective ratio (The ratio parameter changes ratio between X and Y).
- Mort
The parameters Znear and Zfar is that the "Z field" which will be drawn on the screen?
The Znear and Zfar params are the z coordinates of the near and far clipping planes, respectively. Anything in front of the near or behind the far will not be rendered.

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