Error only in Release Mode

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5 comments, last by marius1930 13 years, 1 month ago
Since I´m a novice programmer does not understand why this error happens, I have a class that represents a port, the attributes of the class are

class Door : GameObjects
private Matrix[] DoorMatrix;

public bool dIsActive { get; set; }
public float time { get; set; }

private string DoorDirection;

private ModelBone DoorBone;
private ModelBone HandleDoorBone;

private Matrix mDoorTransform;
private Matrix mDoorHandleTransform;

private Vector3 PivotOfDoor;
private Vector3 PivotDoorHandle;

float Rotation;
float hRotation;
float angle;

float temp1 = 0f;
float temp2 = 0f;

//to doors
Matrix mDoorRotation;
Matrix PivotToOrigin;
Matrix OriginToPivot;
Matrix DoorRotationAboutPivot;

//to handle door

Matrix PivotToOriginHandle;
Matrix mDoorHandleRotation;
Matrix OriginToPivotHandle;
Matrix DoorHandleRotationAboutPivot;

In the Load method of the class called in the class constructor:

mDoorRotation = Matrix.Identity;
PivotToOrigin = Matrix.Identity;
OriginToPivot = Matrix.Identity;
DoorRotationAboutPivot = Matrix.Identity;

PivotToOriginHandle = Matrix.Identity;
mDoorHandleRotation = Matrix.Identity;
OriginToPivotHandle = Matrix.Identity;
DoorHandleRotationAboutPivot = Matrix.Identity;

ModelName = Content.Load<Model>(NameModel);
DoorMatrix = new Matrix[ModelName.Bones.Count];
DoorBone = ModelName.Bones[Bone01];
HandleDoorBone = ModelName.Bones[Bone02];
mDoorTransform = DoorBone.Transform;
mDoorHandleTransform = HandleDoorBone.Transform;
DoorDirection = "R";
PivotOfDoor = new Vector3(-13.065f, -1.208f, 1.119f)
PivotDoorHandle = Vector3.Zero;
Rotation = 120f;
hRotation = 50f;
angle = 120f

In the Update method of the class Door:

public void Update()

The method MoveHandleDoor:

private void MoveHandleDoor()
if (dIsActive)
PivotToOriginHandle = Matrix.CreateScale(ModelScale) *

this.mDoorHandleRotation = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(
MathHelper.Clamp(hRotation -= 0.1f * time,
MathHelper.ToRadians(-50f), MathHelper.ToRadians(0f)));

this.OriginToPivotHandle = Matrix.CreateScale(ModelScale) *

DoorHandleRotationAboutPivot =
PivotToOriginHandle * mDoorHandleRotation * OriginToPivotHandle;

HandleDoorBone.Transform = DoorHandleRotationAboutPivot * mDoorHandleTransform;

The method opendoor:

private void OpenDoor()
if (dIsActive)
PivotToOrigin = Matrix.CreateScale(ModelScale) *
if (DoorDirection == "L" || DoorDirection == "l")
mDoorRotation = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(
temp1 = MathHelper.Clamp(Rotation -= 0.001f * time,
MathHelper.ToRadians(-angle), MathHelper.ToRadians(0f)));

if( temp1 == MathHelper.ToRadians(-angle))


if (DoorDirection == "R" || DoorDirection == "r")
mDoorRotation = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(
temp2 = MathHelper.Clamp(Rotation += 0.001f * time,
MathHelper.ToRadians(0f), MathHelper.ToRadians(angle)));

if (temp2 == MathHelper.ToRadians(angle))


OriginToPivot = Matrix.CreateScale(ModelScale) *
DoorRotationAboutPivot = PivotToOrigin * mDoorRotation * OriginToPivot;
DoorBone.Transform = mDoorTransform * DoorRotationAboutPivot;



And the method is ReverseHandleDoor:

private void ReverseHandleDoor()
if (dIsActive)
PivotToOriginHandle = Matrix.CreateScale(ModelScale) *

this.mDoorHandleRotation = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(
MathHelper.Clamp(hRotation += 0.1f * time ,
MathHelper.ToRadians(0f), MathHelper.ToRadians(50f)));

this.OriginToPivotHandle = Matrix.CreateScale(ModelScale) *

DoorHandleRotationAboutPivot =
PivotToOriginHandle * mDoorHandleRotation * OriginToPivotHandle;

HandleDoorBone.Transform = DoorHandleRotationAboutPivot * mDoorHandleTransform;

In the Update method is in Game1.cs

/ / The correct speed for the sound to be synchronized with the
/ / Motion model
door01.time = (float) gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds / 2f;

/ / Triggers the movement of the door model
/ / This is just a test

if (Keyboard.GetState (). IsKeyDown (Keys.V))
door00.dIsActive = true;
door00.Update ();

Everything works fine in Debug mode, but in Release Mode the method ReverseHandleDoor is not called, then the door knob only turns to one side but does not return the right direction.

Could anyone tell me why this happens? The method works in Debug mode and crash in Release mode?


Since I´m a novice programmer does not understand why this error happens, I have a class that represents a port, the attributes of the class are


Everything works fine in Debug mode, but in Release Mode the method ReverseHandleDoor is not called, then the door knob only turns to one side but does not return the right direction.

Could anyone tell me why this happens? The method works in Debug mode and crash in Release mode?


Does the program "crash" or just not function the way it is intended? In the debug build, your IDE will fill in default values(0) for everything, where as in release it's all up to you. Most likely you are using something that you haven't initialized yourself, and because of that, it will be filled with garbage.
The program does not crash. What happens is that in debug mode it behaves as expected, as is the video (please see full screen, the program I'm using always makes the image darker and no good I set the lights otherwise):


But when the Release mode is selected, the door handle does not return to normal position. Watch the video:


I've got the project settings and when I deselect the text box "Define DEBUG constant". What I do not understand is that when I deselect the "Define DEBUG constant" (even though we are in Debug mode) which is the same mode setting release the door handle back into position. I do not think that is a problem to pick up garbage from memory, all Matrix used are cleared so that the class is called in the constructor.
What's almost certainly going wrong here is that you're having floating point precision issues in this bit of code:

if( temp1 == MathHelper.ToRadians(-angle))

You should never test floats for exact equality. You generally want a test that looks something like: if (abs(b-a) < EPSILON)

For much more detail on how floating point numbers work take a look at

What's almost certainly going wrong here is that you're having floating point precision issues in this bit of code:

if( temp1 == MathHelper.ToRadians(-angle))

You should never test floats for exact equality. You generally want a test that looks something like: if (abs(b-a) < EPSILON)

For much more detail on how floating point numbers work take a look at http://www.cse.msu.e...oatingPoint.pdf

Adam_42 thanks for the help, really you're right. The problem was related to math with float, so now the program in Debug mode when in Release mode is working as expected.
Here's the thing I did differently according to the. pdf you posted.

if (Math.Abs(temp1 - MathHelper.ToRadians(-angle)) < 0.00001f)

Thank you also for helping Burnt_Fyr.
Thanks for the thanks... and here's a tip, rather than using a hard coded value, create a const int or #define macro to hold the value you use for epsilon, just in case you ever need to change it

const int EPSILON = 0.00001f


if (Math.Abs(temp1 - MathHelper.ToRadians(-angle)) < EPSILON )
There's always FLT_EPSILON / numeric_limits::epsilon

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