Box2DLite porting. Questions.

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10 comments, last by Dirk Gregorius 12 years, 11 months ago
Hello again!
At last i'm getting close to soul of Box2D - famous Sequential Impulses. I've read Catto's presentations, investigate code, but anyway it's hard to understand the purpose of such technique. Using this sequential impulses he reduces final impulse applied to body. But why? isn't it cheaper to manually decrease it than recalculate it in loop. Also there no bounce at all - i.e. collisions fully inelastic. I added some restitution and immidiatelly get jittering. So what the profit of sequential impulses???
Seqential Impulses are verz easy to implement and give very good results. There are some tricks like slobs and warmstarting. You can look into the ODE and check their iterative Projected Gauss-Seidel and even the direkt Dantzig solver. Let me know what you find easier to implement :)

You have to be careful with restitution. If the relative velocity falls below some threshold ( roughly 1-2 m/s ) you use the usual bias. Otherwise you get jitter. So this is a problem of your implementation and not sequential impulses :)

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