Voxel Algorithm

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16 comments, last by _swx_ 12 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for the reply, got it working with the new indexing :)


awesome :) are you sharing the source for it ?
Need to clean up the code a bit first, might post the code tomorrow.

Need to clean up the code a bit first, might post the code tomorrow.

big thanks, i'm trying to implement eric's algorithm too =)
The code is very ugly and needs to be rewritten, but here it is:

#define HINIBBLE(b) (((b) >> 4) & 0x0F)
#define LONIBBLE(b) ((b) & 0x0F)

enum {

struct vertex {
Vector3d pos[2]; // The primary and secondary positions of the vertex.
Vector3d normal; // The surface normal at the vertex.
u8 near; // The proximity of the vertex to the six faces of the block.

struct VolumeData
VolumeData(const Vector3i & dim)
: size(dim)
offset << 0, 0, 0;
samples.resize(dim.x() * dim.y() * dim.z(), 0);

VolumeData(const Vector3i & dim, const Vector3i & origin)
: size(dim)
, offset(origin)

samples.resize(dim.x() * dim.y() * dim.z(), 0);

inline i8 & operator[](const Vector3i & p)
const Vector3i v = p - offset;
return samples[v.x() + v.y() * size.x() + v.z() * (size.x() * size.y())];

inline const i8 & operator[](const Vector3i & p) const
const Vector3i v = p - offset;
return samples[v.x() + v.y() * size.x() + v.z() * (size.x() * size.y())];

const char * buf() const {
return &samples[0];

const std::size_t bufsize() const {
return samples.size();

std::vector samples;
Vector3i size;
Vector3i offset;

const int BLOCK_WIDTH = 16;

struct regular_cell_cache {

struct cell {
u8 caseIndex;
int verts[4];

cell & get(int x, int y, int z) {
return cache[z&1][y * BLOCK_WIDTH + x];

cell & get(const Vector3i & p) {
return get(p.x(), p.y(), p.z());

cell cache[2][BLOCK_WIDTH * BLOCK_WIDTH];

struct transition_cell_cache {

struct cell {
int verts[10]; // The ten vertices that can be reused by other cells.

cell & get(int x, int y) {
return cache[y&1][x];
cell cache[2][BLOCK_WIDTH];

inline int sign(i8 x) {
return (x >> 7) & 1;

inline const Vector3d interp(Vector3i v0, Vector3i v1, // Position of vertices
Vector3i p0, Vector3i p1, // Position of sample points
const VolumeData & samples, u8 lodIndex = 0)
i8 s0 = samples[p0];
i8 s1 = samples[p1];

i32 t = (s1 << 8) / (s1 - s0);
i32 u = 0x0100 - t;
const double s = 1.0 / 256.0;

if ((t & 0x00ff) == 0)
// The generated vertex lies at one of the corners so there
// is no need to subdivide the interval.
if (t == 0) {
return v1.cast();
return v0.cast();
for (u8 i = 0; i < lodIndex; ++i)
const Vector3i vm = (v0 + v1) / 2;
const Vector3i pm = (p0 + p1) / 2;

const u8 sm = samples[pm];

// Determine which of the sub-intervals that contain
// the intersection with the isosurface.
if (sign(s0) != sign(sm)) {
v1 = vm;
p1 = pm;
s1 = sm;
} else {
v0 = vm;
p0 = pm;
s0 = sm;
t = (s1 << 8) / (s1 - s0);
u = 0x0100 - t;

return (v0.cast() * t) * s + (v1.cast() * u) * s;

inline const Vector3d interp(Vector3d v0, Vector3d v1, // Position of vertices
Vector3i p0, Vector3i p1, // Position of sample points
const VolumeData & samples, u8 lodIndex = 0)
i8 s0 = samples[p0];
i8 s1 = samples[p1];

i32 t = (s1 << 8) / (s1 - s0);
i32 u = 0x0100 - t;
const double s = 1.0 / 256.0;

if ((t & 0x00ff) == 0)
// The generated vertex lies at one of the corners so there
// is no need to subdivide the interval.
if (t == 0) {
return v1.cast();
return v0.cast();
for (u8 i = 0; i < lodIndex; ++i)
const Vector3d vm = (v0 + v1) / 2;
const Vector3i pm = (p0 + p1) / 2;

const u8 sm = samples[pm];

// Determine which of the sub-intervals that contain
// the intersection with the isosurface.
if (sign(s0) != sign(sm)) {
v1 = vm;
p1 = pm;
s1 = sm;
} else {
v0 = vm;
p0 = pm;
s0 = sm;
t = (s1 << 8) / (s1 - s0);
u = 0x0100 - t;

return v0 * t * s + v1 * u * s;

inline Vector3d computeDelta(const Vector3d & v, int k, int s)
const double p2k = pow(2.0, k);
const double wk = pow(2.0, k - 2.0);
Vector3d delta(0,0,0);

if (k < 1) {
return delta;

for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
const double x = v;

if (x < p2k)
// The vertex is inside the minimum cell.
delta = (1.0 - pow(2.0, -k) * x) * wk;
else if(x > (p2k * (s-1)))
// The vertex is inside the maximum cell.
delta = ((p2k * s) - 1.0 - x) * wk;
return delta;

inline Vector3d projectNormal(Vector3d N, const Vector3d & delta)
Eigen::Matrix mat;
mat << 1.0 -N.x() * N.x(), -N.x() * N.y(), -N.x() * N.z(),
-N.x() * N.y(), 1.0 -N.y() * N.y(), -N.y() * N.z(),
-N.x() * N.z(), -N.y() * N.z(), 1.0 -N.z() * N.z();
return mat * delta;

inline Vector3i prevOffset(u8 dir)
return Vector3i( -(dir & 1),
-((dir >> 1) & 1),
-((dir >> 2) & 1));

inline int polygonizeRegularCell(
const Vector3i & min,
const Vector3d & offset, // The minimum corner of the cell in object space.
const Vector3i xyz,
const VolumeData & samples,
u8 lodIndex,
double cellSize,
std::vector & verts,
std::vector & indices,
regular_cell_cache * cache)
const int W = 19;
const i32 lodScale = 1 << lodIndex;
const i32 last = 15 * lodScale;
const u8 directionMask = (xyz.x() > 0 ? 1 : 0) | ((xyz.y() > 0 ? 1 : 0) << 1) | ((xyz.z() > 0 ? 1 : 0) << 2);

u8 near = 0;

// Compute which of the six faces of the block that the vertex
// is near. (near is defined as being in boundary cell.)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (min == 0) { near |= (1 << (i * 2 + 0)); /* Vertex close to negative face. */ }
if (min == last) { near |= (1 << (i * 2 + 1)); /* Vertex close to positive face. */ }

const Vector3i cornerPositions[] =
min + Vector3i(0,0,0) * lodScale,
min + Vector3i(1,0,0) * lodScale,
min + Vector3i(0,1,0) * lodScale,
min + Vector3i(1,1,0) * lodScale,

min + Vector3i(0,0,1) * lodScale,
min + Vector3i(1,0,1) * lodScale,
min + Vector3i(0,1,1) * lodScale,
min + Vector3i(1,1,1) * lodScale

const Vector3i dif = cornerPositions[7] - cornerPositions[0];

// Retrieve sample values for all the corners.
const i8 cornerSamples[8] =

Eigen::Vector3d cornerNormals[8];

/* Determine the index into the edge table which
tells us which vertices are inside of the surface */
const u32 caseCode = ((cornerSamples[0] >> 7) & 0x01)
| ((cornerSamples[1] >> 6) & 0x02)
| ((cornerSamples[2] >> 5) & 0x04)
| ((cornerSamples[3] >> 4) & 0x08)
| ((cornerSamples[4] >> 3) & 0x10)
| ((cornerSamples[5] >> 2) & 0x20)
| ((cornerSamples[6] >> 1) & 0x40)
| (cornerSamples[7] & 0x80);

cache->get(xyz).caseIndex = caseCode;

if ((caseCode ^ ((cornerSamples[7] >> 7) & 0xff)) == 0)
return 0;

// Compute the normals at the cell corners using central difference.
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
const Vector3i p = cornerPositions;
const double nx = (samples[p + Vector3i::UnitX()] - samples[p - Vector3i::UnitX()]) * 0.5;
const double ny = (samples[p + Vector3i::UnitY()] - samples[p - Vector3i::UnitY()]) * 0.5;
const double nz = (samples[p + Vector3i::UnitZ()] - samples[p - Vector3i::UnitZ()]) * 0.5;

cornerNormals = Eigen::Vector3d(nx,ny,nz).normalized();

const char c = regularCellClass[caseCode];
const RegularCellData & data = regularCellData[c];

const u8 nt = (u8)data.GetTriangleCount();
const u8 nv = (u8)data.GetVertexCount();

int localVertexMapping[12];

vertex vert;
vert.near = near;

// Generate all the vertex positions by interpolating along
// each of the edges that intersect the isosurface.
for (u8 i = 0; i < nv; ++i)
const u16 edgeCode = regularVertexData[caseCode];
// The low byte of each 16-bit code contains the corner
// indexes of the edge's endpoints in one nibble each.
const u8 v0 = HINIBBLE(edgeCode & 0xff);
const u8 v1 = LONIBBLE(edgeCode & 0xff);

const Vector3i p0 = cornerPositions[v0];
const Vector3i p1 = cornerPositions[v1];
const Vector3d n0 = cornerNormals[v0];
const Vector3d n1 = cornerNormals[v1];

const i32 d0 = samples[p0];
const i32 d1 = samples[p1];

assert(v0 < v1);

const i32 t = (d1 << 8) / (d1 - d0);
const i32 u = 0x0100 - t;
const double s = 1.0 / 256.0;

const double t0 = t * s, t1 = u * s;

if ((t & 0x00ff) != 0)
// Vertex lies in the interior of the edge.
const u8 dir = HINIBBLE(edgeCode >> 8); // The direction to the previous cell.
const u8 idx = LONIBBLE(edgeCode >> 8); // The vertex to generate or reuse for this edge (0-3)
const bool present = (dir & directionMask) == dir;

if (present)
const regular_cell_cache::cell & prev = cache->get(xyz + prevOffset(dir));
// I don't think this can happen for non-corner vertices.
if (prev.caseIndex == 0 || prev.caseIndex == 255) {
localVertexMapping = -1;
else {
localVertexMapping = prev.verts[idx];

if (!present || localVertexMapping < 0)
localVertexMapping = verts.size();
// Compute the intersection between the edge and the isosurface
// using the highest resolution sample data to get correct position.
const Vector3d pi = interp(p0.cast().eval(), p1.cast().eval(), p0, p1, samples, lodIndex);

vert.pos[PRIMARY] = offset + pi;
vert.normal = n0 * t0 + n1 * t1;

if (near)
const Vector3d delta = computeDelta(pi, lodIndex, 16);
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = vert.pos[PRIMARY] + projectNormal(vert.normal, delta);
else {
// The vertex is not in a boundary cell, so the
// secondary position will never be used.
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = Vector3d(1000,1000,1000); //vert.pos[PRIMARY];

if ((dir & 8) != 0)
// Store the generated vertex so that other cells can reuse it.
cache->get(xyz).verts[idx] = localVertexMapping;
else if(t == 0 && v1 == 7)
// This cell owns the vertex, so it should be created.
localVertexMapping = verts.size();

const Eigen::Vector3d pi = p0.cast() * t0 + p1.cast() * t1;

vert.pos[PRIMARY] = offset + pi;
vert.normal = n0 * t0 + n1 * t1;

if (near)
const Vector3d delta = computeDelta(pi, lodIndex, 16);
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = vert.pos[PRIMARY] + projectNormal(vert.normal, delta);
else {
// The vertex is not in a boundary cell, so the secondary
// position will never be used.
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = Vector3d(1000,1000,1000);
cache->get(xyz).verts[0] = localVertexMapping;
// A 3-bit direction code leading to the proper cell can easily be obtained by
// inverting the 3-bit corner index (bitwise, by exclusive ORing with the number 7).
// The corner index depends on the value of t, t = 0 means that we're at the higher
// numbered endpoint.
const u8 dir = t == 0 ? (v1 ^ 7) : (v0 ^ 7);
const bool present = (dir & directionMask) == dir;

if (present)
const regular_cell_cache::cell & prev = cache->get(xyz + prevOffset(dir));
// The previous cell might not have any geometry, and we
// might therefore have to create a new vertex anyway.
if (prev.caseIndex == 0 || prev.caseIndex == 255) {
localVertexMapping = -1;
else {
localVertexMapping = prev.verts[0];

if (!present || (localVertexMapping < 0))
localVertexMapping = verts.size();

const Eigen::Vector3d pi = p0.cast() * t0 + p1.cast() * t1;

vert.pos[PRIMARY] = offset + pi;
vert.normal = n0 * t0 + n1 * t1;

if (near)
const Vector3d delta = computeDelta(pi, lodIndex, 16);
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = vert.pos[PRIMARY] + projectNormal(vert.normal, delta);
else {
// The vertex is not in a boundary cell, so the secondary
// position will never be used.
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = Vector3d(1000,1000,1000); //vert.pos[PRIMARY];

for (long t = 0; t < nt; ++t)
// TODO: Add check for zero-area triangles here.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
indices.push_back(localVertexMapping[ data.vertexIndex[t * 3 + i] ]);

return nt;

inline int polygonizeTransitionCell(
const Vector3d & offset, // Offset of the cell in world space.
const Vector3i & origin, // Origin in sample space.
const Vector3i & localX,
const Vector3i & localY,
const Vector3i & localZ,
int x, int y, // The x and y position of the cell within the block face.
float cellSize, // The width of a cell in world scale.
u8 lodIndex,
u8 axis, // The index of the axis corresponding to the z-axis.
u8 directionMask, // Used to determine which previous cells that are available.
const VolumeData & samples,
std::vector & verts,
std::vector & indices,
transition_cell_cache * cache)
const int lodStep = 1 << lodIndex;
const int sampleStep = 1 <<(lodIndex -1);
const i32 lodScale = 1 << lodIndex;
const i32 last = 16 * lodScale;

u8 near = 0;
// Compute which of the six faces of the block that the vertex
// is near. (near is defined as being in boundary cell.)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (origin == 0) { near |= (1 << (i * 2 + 0)); /* Vertex close to negative face. */ }
if (origin == last) { near |= (1 << (i * 2 + 1)); /* Vertex close to positive face. */ }

static const Vector3i coords[] = {
Vector3i(0,0,0), Vector3i(1,0,0), Vector3i(2,0,0), // High-res lower row
Vector3i(0,1,0), Vector3i(1,1,0), Vector3i(2,1,0), // High-res middle row
Vector3i(0,2,0), Vector3i(1,2,0), Vector3i(2,2,0), // High-res upper row

Vector3i(0,0,2), Vector3i(2,0,2), // Low-res lower row
Vector3i(0,2,2), Vector3i(2,2,2) // Low-res upper row

Eigen::Matrix basis;

basis.col(0) = localX * sampleStep;
basis.col(1) = localY * sampleStep;
basis.col(2) = localZ * sampleStep;

// The positions of each voxel corner in local block space.
const Vector3i pos[] = {
origin + basis * coords[0x00], origin + basis * coords[0x01], origin + basis * coords[0x02],
origin + basis * coords[0x03], origin + basis * coords[0x04], origin + basis * coords[0x05],
origin + basis * coords[0x06], origin + basis * coords[0x07], origin + basis * coords[0x08],
origin + basis * coords[0x09], origin + basis * coords[0x0A],
origin + basis * coords[0x0B], origin + basis * coords[0x0C],

Vector3d normals[13];

// Compute the normals at the cell corners using central difference.
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
const Vector3i p = pos;
const double nx = (samples[p + Vector3i::UnitX()] - samples[p - Vector3i::UnitX()]) * 0.5;
const double ny = (samples[p + Vector3i::UnitY()] - samples[p - Vector3i::UnitY()]) * 0.5;
const double nz = (samples[p + Vector3i::UnitZ()] - samples[p - Vector3i::UnitZ()]) * 0.5;

normals = Eigen::Vector3d(nx,ny,nz).normalized();

normals[0x9] = normals[0];
normals[0xA] = normals[2];
normals[0xB] = normals[6];
normals[0xC] = normals[8];

const Vector3i samplePos[] = {
pos[0], pos[1], pos[2],
pos[3], pos[4], pos[5],
pos[6], pos[7], pos[8],
pos[0], pos[2],
pos[6], pos[8]

const u32 caseCode = signBit(samples[pos[0]]) * 0x001 |
signBit(samples[pos[1]]) * 0x002 |
signBit(samples[pos[2]]) * 0x004 |
signBit(samples[pos[5]]) * 0x008 |
signBit(samples[pos[8]]) * 0x010 |
signBit(samples[pos[7]]) * 0x020 |
signBit(samples[pos[6]]) * 0x040 |
signBit(samples[pos[3]]) * 0x080 |
signBit(samples[pos[4]]) * 0x100;

if (caseCode == 0 || caseCode == 511)
return 0;

const u8 classIndex = transitionCellClass[caseCode]; // Equivalence class index.
const TransitionCellData & data = transitionCellData[classIndex & 0x7F];

const bool inverse = (classIndex & 128) != 0;

int localVertexMapping[12];

const long nv = data.GetVertexCount();
const long nt = data.GetTriangleCount();

assert(nv <= 12);
vertex vert;

for (long i = 0; i < nv; ++i)
const u16 edgeCode = transitionVertexData[caseCode];
// The low byte of each 16-bit code contains the corner
// indexes of the edge's endpoints in one nibble each.
const u8 v0 = HINIBBLE(edgeCode);
const u8 v1 = LONIBBLE(edgeCode);
const bool lowside = (v0 > 8) && (v1 > 8);

const i32 d0 = samples[samplePos[v0]];
const i32 d1 = samples[samplePos[v1]];

const i32 t = (d1 << 8) / (d1 - d0);
const i32 u = 0x0100 - t;
const double s = 1.0 / 256.0;
const double t0 = t * s, t1 = u * s;

const Vector3d n0 = normals[v0];
const Vector3d n1 = normals[v1];

vert.near = near;
vert.normal = n0 * t0 + n1 * t1;

if ((t & 0x00ff) != 0)
// Use the reuse information in transitionVertexData
const u8 dir = HINIBBLE(edgeCode >> 8);
const u8 idx = LONIBBLE(edgeCode >> 8);

if ((dir & directionMask) == dir)
// The previous cell is available. Retrieve the cached cell
// from which to retrieve the reused vertex index from.
const transition_cell_cache::cell & prev = cache->get(x - (dir & 1), y - ((dir >> 1) & 1));
// Reuse the vertex index from the previous cell.
localVertexMapping = prev.verts[idx];
// A vertex has to be created.
const Vector3d p0 = pos[v0].cast();
const Vector3d p1 = pos[v1].cast();

Vector3d pi = interp(p0, p1, samplePos[v0], samplePos[v1], samples, lowside ? lodIndex : lodIndex - 1);

if (lowside)
// Necessary to translate the intersection point to the
// high-res side so that it is transformed the same way
// as the vertices in the regular cell.
pi[axis] = (double)origin[axis];

const Vector3d delta = computeDelta(pi, lodIndex, 16);
const Vector3d proj = projectNormal(vert.normal, delta);

vert.pos[PRIMARY] = Vector3d(1000,1000,1000);
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = offset + pi + proj;
vert.near = 0; // Vertices on high-res side are never moved.
vert.pos[PRIMARY] = offset + pi;
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = Vector3d(1000,1000,1000);

localVertexMapping = verts.size();

if ((dir & 8) != 0)
// The vertex can be reused.
cache->get(x,y).verts[idx] = localVertexMapping;
// Try to reuse corner vertex from a preceding cell.
// Use the reuse information in transitionCornerData.
const u8 v = t == 0 ? v1 : v0;
const u8 cornerData = transitionCornerData[v];

const u8 dir = HINIBBLE(cornerData); // High nibble contains direction code.
const u8 idx = LONIBBLE(cornerData); // Low nibble contains storage slot for vertex.

if ((dir & directionMask) == dir)
// The previous cell is available. Retrieve the cached cell
// from which to retrieve the reused vertex index from.
const transition_cell_cache::cell & prev = cache->get(x - (dir & 1), y - ((dir >> 1) & 1));
localVertexMapping = prev.verts[idx];
// A vertex has to be created.
Vector3d pi = pos[v].cast();

if (v > 8)
// On low-resolution side.
// Necessary to translate the intersection point to the
// high-res side so that it is transformed the same way
// as the vertices in the regular cell.
pi[axis] = (double)origin[axis];

const Vector3d delta = computeDelta(pi, lodIndex, 16);
const Vector3d proj = projectNormal(vert.normal, delta);

vert.pos[PRIMARY] = Vector3d(1000,1000,1000);
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = offset + pi + proj;
// On high-resolution side.
vert.near = 0; // Vertices on high-res side are never moved.
vert.pos[PRIMARY] = offset + pi;
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = Vector3d(1000,1000,1000);
localVertexMapping = verts.size();
cache->get(x,y).verts[idx] = localVertexMapping;

for (long t = 0; t < nt; ++t)
const u8 * ptr = &data.vertexIndex[t * 3];

if (inverse)


return nt;

Seems like the forum doesn't like templates... uploaded it on pastebin too: http://pastebin.com/9LCp17a7
I think the code I posted earlier has a bug that makes it create vertices in transition cells even when they should be reused from the previous cell. Going to try to fix it and post updated code after I get home from work.
This is a more robust version of the transition cell generation:

inline int polygonizeTransitionCell(
const Vector3d & offset, // Offset of the cell in world space.
const Vector3i & origin, // Origin in sample space.
const Vector3i & localX,
const Vector3i & localY,
const Vector3i & localZ,
int x, int y, // The x and y position of the cell within the block face.
float cellSize, // The width of a cell in world scale.
u8 lodIndex,
u8 axis, // The index of the axis corresponding to the z-axis.
u8 directionMask, // Used to determine which previous cells that are available.
const VolumeData & samples,
std::vector & verts,
std::vector & indices,
transition_cell_cache * cache)
const int lodStep = 1 << lodIndex;
const int sampleStep = 1 <<(lodIndex -1);
const i32 lodScale = 1 << lodIndex;
const i32 last = 16 * lodScale;

u8 near = 0;
// Compute which of the six faces of the block that the vertex
// is near. (near is defined as being in boundary cell.)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (origin == 0) { near |= (1 << (i * 2 + 0)); /* Vertex close to negative face. */ }
if (origin == last) { near |= (1 << (i * 2 + 1)); /* Vertex close to positive face. */ }

static const Vector3i coords[] = {
Vector3i(0,0,0), Vector3i(1,0,0), Vector3i(2,0,0), // High-res lower row
Vector3i(0,1,0), Vector3i(1,1,0), Vector3i(2,1,0), // High-res middle row
Vector3i(0,2,0), Vector3i(1,2,0), Vector3i(2,2,0), // High-res upper row

Vector3i(0,0,2), Vector3i(2,0,2), // Low-res lower row
Vector3i(0,2,2), Vector3i(2,2,2) // Low-res upper row

Eigen::Matrix basis;

basis.col(0) = localX * sampleStep;
basis.col(1) = localY * sampleStep;
basis.col(2) = localZ * sampleStep;

// The positions of each voxel corner in local block space.
const Vector3i pos[] = {
origin + basis * coords[0x00], origin + basis * coords[0x01], origin + basis * coords[0x02],
origin + basis * coords[0x03], origin + basis * coords[0x04], origin + basis * coords[0x05],
origin + basis * coords[0x06], origin + basis * coords[0x07], origin + basis * coords[0x08],
origin + basis * coords[0x09], origin + basis * coords[0x0A],
origin + basis * coords[0x0B], origin + basis * coords[0x0C],

Vector3d normals[13];

// Compute the normals at the cell corners using central difference.
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
const Vector3i p = pos;
const double nx = (samples[p + Vector3i::UnitX()] - samples[p - Vector3i::UnitX()]) * 0.5;
const double ny = (samples[p + Vector3i::UnitY()] - samples[p - Vector3i::UnitY()]) * 0.5;
const double nz = (samples[p + Vector3i::UnitZ()] - samples[p - Vector3i::UnitZ()]) * 0.5;

normals = Eigen::Vector3d(nx,ny,nz).normalized();

normals[0x9] = normals[0];
normals[0xA] = normals[2];
normals[0xB] = normals[6];
normals[0xC] = normals[8];

const Vector3i samplePos[] = {
pos[0], pos[1], pos[2],
pos[3], pos[4], pos[5],
pos[6], pos[7], pos[8],
pos[0], pos[2],
pos[6], pos[8]

const u32 caseCode = sign(samples[pos[0]]) * 0x001 |
sign(samples[pos[1]]) * 0x002 |
sign(samples[pos[2]]) * 0x004 |
sign(samples[pos[5]]) * 0x008 |
sign(samples[pos[8]]) * 0x010 |
sign(samples[pos[7]]) * 0x020 |
sign(samples[pos[6]]) * 0x040 |
sign(samples[pos[3]]) * 0x080 |
sign(samples[pos[4]]) * 0x100;

if (caseCode == 0 || caseCode == 511)
return 0;

cache->get(x,y).caseIndex = caseCode;

const u8 classIndex = transitionCellClass[caseCode]; // Equivalence class index.
const TransitionCellData & data = transitionCellData[classIndex & 0x7F];

const bool inverse = (classIndex & 128) != 0;

int localVertexMapping[12];

const long nv = data.GetVertexCount();
const long nt = data.GetTriangleCount();

assert(nv <= 12);
vertex vert;

for (long i = 0; i < nv; ++i)
const u16 edgeCode = transitionVertexData[caseCode];
// The low byte of each 16-bit code contains the corner
// indexes of the edge's endpoints in one nibble each.
const u8 v0 = HINIBBLE(edgeCode);
const u8 v1 = LONIBBLE(edgeCode);
const bool lowside = (v0 > 8) && (v1 > 8);

const i32 d0 = samples[samplePos[v0]];
const i32 d1 = samples[samplePos[v1]];

const i32 t = (d1 << 8) / (d1 - d0);
const i32 u = 0x0100 - t;
const double s = 1.0 / 256.0;
const double t0 = t * s, t1 = u * s;

const Vector3d n0 = normals[v0];
const Vector3d n1 = normals[v1];

vert.near = near;
vert.normal = n0 * t0 + n1 * t1;

if ((t & 0x00ff) != 0)
// Use the reuse information in transitionVertexData
const u8 dir = HINIBBLE(edgeCode >> 8);
const u8 idx = LONIBBLE(edgeCode >> 8);
const bool present = (dir & directionMask) == dir;

if (present)
// The previous cell is available. Retrieve the cached cell
// from which to retrieve the reused vertex index from.
const transition_cell_cache::cell & prev = cache->get(x - (dir & 1), y - ((dir >> 1) & 1));

if (prev.caseIndex == 0 || prev.caseIndex == 511)
// Previous cell does not contain any geometry.
localVertexMapping = -1;
// Reuse the vertex index from the previous cell.
localVertexMapping = prev.verts[idx];

if (!present || localVertexMapping < 0)
// A vertex has to be created.
const Vector3d p0 = pos[v0].cast();
const Vector3d p1 = pos[v1].cast();

Vector3d pi = interp(p0, p1, samplePos[v0], samplePos[v1], samples, lowside ? lodIndex : lodIndex - 1);

if (lowside)
// Necessary to translate the intersection point to the
// high-res side so that it is transformed the same way
// as the vertices in the regular cell.
pi[axis] = (double)origin[axis];

const Vector3d delta = computeDelta(pi, lodIndex, 16);
const Vector3d proj = projectNormal(vert.normal, delta);

vert.pos[PRIMARY] = Vector3d(1000,1000,1000);
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = offset + pi + proj;
vert.near = 0; // Vertices on high-res side are never moved.
vert.pos[PRIMARY] = offset + pi;
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = Vector3d(1000,1000,1000);

localVertexMapping = verts.size();

if ((dir & 8) != 0)
// The vertex can be reused.
cache->get(x,y).verts[idx] = localVertexMapping;
// Try to reuse corner vertex from a preceding cell.
// Use the reuse information in transitionCornerData.
const u8 v = t == 0 ? v1 : v0;
const u8 cornerData = transitionCornerData[v];

const u8 dir = HINIBBLE(cornerData); // High nibble contains direction code.
const u8 idx = LONIBBLE(cornerData); // Low nibble contains storage slot for vertex.
const bool present = (dir & directionMask) == dir;

if (present)
// The previous cell is available. Retrieve the cached cell
// from which to retrieve the reused vertex index from.
const transition_cell_cache::cell & prev = cache->get(x - (dir & 1), y - ((dir >> 1) & 1));

if (prev.caseIndex == 0 || prev.caseIndex == 511)
// Previous cell does not contain any geometry.
localVertexMapping = -1;
// Reuse the vertex index from the previous cell.
localVertexMapping = prev.verts[idx];

if (!present || localVertexMapping < 0)
// A vertex has to be created.
Vector3d pi = pos[v].cast();

if (v > 8)
// On low-resolution side.
// Necessary to translate the intersection point to the
// high-res side so that it is transformed the same way
// as the vertices in the regular cell.
pi[axis] = (double)origin[axis];

const Vector3d delta = computeDelta(pi, lodIndex, 16);
const Vector3d proj = projectNormal(vert.normal, delta);

vert.pos[PRIMARY] = Vector3d(1000,1000,1000);
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = offset + pi + proj;
// On high-resolution side.
vert.near = 0; // Vertices on high-res side are never moved.
vert.pos[PRIMARY] = offset + pi;
vert.pos[SECONDARY] = Vector3d(1000,1000,1000);
localVertexMapping = verts.size();
cache->get(x,y).verts[idx] = localVertexMapping;

for (long t = 0; t < nt; ++t)
const u8 * ptr = &data.vertexIndex[t * 3];

if (inverse)


return nt;

Usage example:
void generateNegativeXTransitionCells(
const VolumeData & samples,
const Vector3d & offset,
const Vector3i & min,
float cellSize,
u8 lodIndex,
std::vector & verts,
std::vector & indices)
const int spacing = 1 << lodIndex; // Spacing between low-res corners.

const Vector3i origin = min + Vector3i(0,0,16);
const Vector3i xAxis = Vector3i( 0, 0,-1);
const Vector3i yAxis = Vector3i( 0, 1, 0);
const Vector3i zAxis = Vector3i( 1, 0, 0);

transition_cell_cache cache;

for (int y = 0; y < 16; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x)
const Vector3i p = (origin + xAxis * x + yAxis * y) * spacing;
const u8 directionMask = (x > 0 ? 1 : 0) | ((y > 0 ? 1 : 0) << 1);

polygonizeTransitionCell(offset, p, xAxis, yAxis, zAxis, x, y, cellSize, lodIndex, 0, directionMask, samples, verts, indices, &cache);

This is a more robust version of the transition cell generation:

swx, would you mind if I ported your implementation to XNA and released it as open source?
Feel free to use the code in any way you want.

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