Neural Network Math Help ? :)

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16 comments, last by Adaline 12 years ago

[quote name='CryoGenesis' timestamp='1332101788' post='4923102']
Whats the point of Bias?
Is it needed for the neural network to function?

The point of Bias is to shift the activation function along x axis (and it can be considered as a constant input for the implementation as I suggested)
It's needed for practical purpose : if you don't use a bias, the function you are approximating (ie the problem you are solving) must pass threw (0,f(0)) where f is the activation function you chose. Otherwise, the net won't converge. With a bias you don't have this limitation anymore.

Oh and does the bias have to be used for every node or just the input nodes?

The bias has to be used with any node that does signal integration, so typically all the nodes except input ones (since these are just 'slots' to provide input to the net).

Thanks for the info but now it always returns between 0.6 - 0.7...

Here is the source code just in case I've done something wrong -_-

package AI;
public class Node {
public float[] weight;
public float value;
public float activation;
public final float e = 2.7183f;
public final float p = 1;

public boolean in = false;

public Node(float[] weight){
this.weight = weight;

public static void main(String[] args){
NeuralNetwork net = new NeuralNetwork(1,1,2,2);
float[] f = {100f};
public float activationSigmoidMethod(float activation){
double a = -activation/p;
double b = e;

double c = Math.pow(e, a);
double e = 1 + c;
double f = 1/e;

return (float) f;


public void input(Node[] node, int num){
if(in = true){
activation += 1;
for(int i = 0; i < node.length; i++){
activation += (node.value * node.weight[num]);
value = activationSigmoidMethod(activation);
activation = 0;

public float getOutput(){
return value;


package AI;
import java.util.Random;
public class NeuralNetwork {
public Node[] in;
public Node[] out;
public Node[][] node;

public NeuralNetwork(int ins, int outs, int layers, int num){
in = new Node[ins];
out = new Node[outs];
node = new Node[layers][num];

public float[][] returnInWeights(){
float[][] ini = new float[in.length][node[0].length];
for(int i = 0; i < in.length; i ++){
for(int b = 0; b < node[0].length; b++){
ini = in.weight;
return ini;
public float[][][] returnNodeNormWeights(){
float[][][] weight = new float[node.length][node[0].length][node[0][0].weight.length];
for(int i = 0; i < node.length - 1; i ++){
for(int b = 0; b < node.length; b ++){
for(int a = 0; a < node.weight.length; a++){
weight[a] =node.weight[a];
return weight;
public float[][] returnOutNodeWeights(){
int length = node.length - 1;
float[][] nodes = new float[node[length].length][node[length][node[length].length].weight.length];
for(int i = 0; i < node[length].length; i ++){
for(int b = 0; b < node[length][node[length].length].weight.length; b++){
nodes = node[length].weight;
return nodes;

public float[] returnRanWeights(int amount){
Random a = new Random();
float[] weight = new float[amount];
for(int i = 0; i < amount; i ++){
weight = a.nextFloat() + a.nextFloat() - 1;
return weight;

public void createNetwork(){
for(int i = 0; i < in.length; i ++){
in = new Node(returnRanWeights(node[0].length)); = true;
for(int i = 0; i < node.length; i ++){
for(int b = 0; b < node.length; b ++){

if(i < node.length - 1){
node = new Node(returnRanWeights(node[i + 1].length));
node = new Node(returnRanWeights(out.length));

for(int i = 0; i < out.length; i ++){
out = new Node(null);


public void input(float[] inp){
for(int i = 0; i < in.length; i++){
in.value = inp;


for(int i = 0; i < node.length; i ++){
for(int b = 0; b < node.length; b ++){

if(i == 0){
node.input(in, b);




for(int i = 0; i < out.length; i++){
out.input(node[node.length - 1], i);


public float getOutput(int num){
return out[num].getOutput();
public float[] getOutput(){
float[] a = new float[out.length];
for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
a = getOutput(i);
return a;

Oops just noticed I put
if(in = true){
activation+= 1;

Still comes up with the same output though -_-...
(this is not activation+=1 but activation+=W0)

I think you can add a bias to your nodes without modifying too much your code.
Add an extra component to your input array and put 1.0 in it at the start of the program. Your input vectors are now : [1.0,i1,i2,....,in].
Then W0, ie the weigth associated to your constant input value 1.0 will evoluate like any other weight.

(this is not activation+=1 but activation+=W0)

I think you can add a bias to your nodes without modifying too much your code.
Add an extra component to your input array and put 1.0 in it at the start of the program. Your input vectors are now : [1.0,i1,i2,....,in].
Then W0, ie the weigth associated to your constant input value 1.0 will evoluate like any other weight.

Finally adding a bias to a net is (just) equivalent to add a 1.0 extra input to it smile.png

(more precisely any constant value but [s]nobody cares[/s] that's irrelevant and 1.0 is the usual choice)

Would the weight of the bias be 1.0 and the input be 1.0 or the weight a random float (0 - 1.0) and the input 1.0?
An example maybe ? Let's say I want to approximate a 2-parameters (x and y) function with a single node.
So I have to add a third component to the input set to 1.0
Then the node has 2+1 inputs (so 3 weights too) and the input vector is [1.0,x,y]
So the integration is W0*1+W1*x+W2*y

So the code of a node 'without bias' is perfect : just add an extra 1.0 to its input and it's done, you have a node with a bias.

An example maybe ? Let's say I want to approximate a 2-parameters (x and y) function with a single node.
So I have to add a third component to the input set to 1.0
Then the node has 2+1 inputs (so 3 weights too) and the input vector is [1.0,x,y]
So the integration is W0*1+W1*x+W2*y

So the code of a node 'without bias' is perfect : just add an extra 1.0 to its input and it's done, you have a node with a bias.

Thanks so much. I think it works now. Not sure though but when you input -10 it comes up with (on average) low outputs. When I put big inputs (100 for example) it usually returns relatively high outputs.
Thanks once again.
Hello CryoGenesis

I'm glad I can help :)

NB : it's recommended to 'normalize' your input values so that abs(input)
Hello CryoGenesis
I'm glad I can help :)
NB : it's recommended to 'normalize' your input values so that abs(input)<1
Otherwise you will use huge values in the learning rule, and the weights will oscillate indefinitely instead of stabilize.

For example if you know the min and the max of the values you provide to the ANN, you can apply something like that to each input :
i'= (i-min)/(max-min)
and provide i' instead of i.

Bye !

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