Tedious bugs in my bidirectional path tracer.

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6 comments, last by shiqiu1105 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi guys,

I have been trying to create my bidirectional path tracer for a long while.
But there were always bugs which I was having a hard time debugging!

The result image is down below.
My bidir path tracer generates noiser images than my path tracer when the same amount of samples are used :(

Normal path tracer:

Notice that not only is the bidir version noiser, they seem to converge to different colors too. Any idea how to debug?

Bidir path tracer is particularly noisy in the edges, as you can see.
Or can I put up the source code so that you guys can help?
Uniformly sampled bidirectional tracer is noisier in mostly directly light situations.

On debugging: You're on the right track with the reference image comparison. Get ready for a boatload of pain though.

I really suggest you download the Intel compiler trial. It saves a lot of debugging time (as the generated code pretty much beats VC++ by 10-20% usually)

For BDPT, the weights for path configurations of a given path length must sum to 1. So, we can have any weights we want, as long as it sums to 1. Some things I would try

- render with path length = 3 only, compare uniform bdpt with reference
- render with path length = 3 only, render with 4 eye verts, 0 light verts weighted to 1,
- render with path length = 3 only, render with 3 eye verts, 1 light verts weighted to 1,

Also, I've found it extremely helpful to posterize the images in a photo editor (I use Paint.Net) and compare. It lets me see the lighting gradients very well.

Also, having a crapload of asserts is extremely helpful (check your understanding, detect undesirable nan/infs)

Also, I have some stuff in my blog when I implemented BDPT. (I have not yet written about MIS BDPT)

Here's my reference uniform BDPT code by the way

MIS BDPT (Does not handle specular / escaped ray)

My implementation requires at least 2 eye vertices (so weights change slightly)
I have to disagree, bi-directional path tracer should have a faster convergence, if you have smaller lightsources. They are kind of bad for light domes (IBL).
I mean, the noise is mostly visible in the in-directional areas, it shouldn't be like that. You might end up with some fire flies if you add specular surfaces, tho.

I'm not sure what your error is, but if both images converge to different result, it's clearly wrong. My wild guess would be that something is wrong with your probability calculations. check out:
and additionally
His implementation looks like uniform weighting (might be wrong). With standard path tracing, you have eye*-shadow-light connections, whereas in uniform BDPT you have a portion of paths requiring random hits vs the light (and higher variance). Thus, for mostly direct lighting (where eye*-shadow-light should be weighted more) uniform BDPT's increase variance should be very visible in a comparison with regular path tracing.

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]

[background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]if you have smaller lightsources[/background]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]

[background=rgb(250, 251, 252)][/quote][/background]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]

[background=rgb(250, 251, 252)]Are you by any chance referring to MIS path tracing? where we combine brdf sampling (good for specularish surfaces) and explicit light sampling (good for small lights)?[/background]


I have tried both the uniform and MIS approach. But I am not sure I calculated the path weights correctly, so I will take a look at your implementation, thanks a lot!!

I think they should converge to the same result, even with the uniform approach(it just takes a lot more samples). So color differences and noise clearly indicate there are errors.

This bug have been there for nearly 8 months, OMG..
MIS BDPT weights isn't easy to get right. Understanding the bdpt implementation section in the Veach thesis and fully grasp the P(i+1)/P(i) notation (i.e. what is i? What is a path with 0 light vertex? etc) is very important.

Also, you can try summing weights of a path length and see if it gives you 1 for fully expressable paths (e.g. eye/light paths are not too short for open cornell boxes)

Also, for MIS BDPT if you're using an open cornell box it will look different unless you somehow correctly account for escaped rays.
i am a beginner in making a bidirectional path tracer and i encounter with the same problem.
i think it is the result of geometry coupling term G or a bad weight function.
but i don't know how to solve it.
can anyone help?

Uniformly sampled bidirectional tracer is noisier in mostly directly light situations.

On debugging: You're on the right track with the reference image comparison. Get ready for a boatload of pain though.

I really suggest you download the Intel compiler trial. It saves a lot of debugging time (as the generated code pretty much beats VC++ by 10-20% usually)

For BDPT, the weights for path configurations of a given path length must sum to 1. So, we can have any weights we want, as long as it sums to 1. Some things I would try

- render with path length = 3 only, compare uniform bdpt with reference
- render with path length = 3 only, render with 4 eye verts, 0 light verts weighted to 1,
- render with path length = 3 only, render with 3 eye verts, 1 light verts weighted to 1,

Also, I've found it extremely helpful to posterize the images in a photo editor (I use Paint.Net) and compare. It lets me see the lighting gradients very well.

Also, having a crapload of asserts is extremely helpful (check your understanding, detect undesirable nan/infs)

Also, I have some stuff in my blog when I implemented BDPT. (I have not yet written about MIS BDPT)

Here's my reference uniform BDPT code by the way

MIS BDPT (Does not handle specular / escaped ray)

My implementation requires at least 2 eye vertices (so weights change slightly)

Hi I want to ask you something.

How do I weight the first eye vertex if I am using the pinhole camera (no intersectable area in the lens)?

Veach's thesis suggests we should set it to 1 / area, but in this case, we don't have area.
Should I just set the probability of the first node to 1.0?

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