Free .ms3d animated loader - need help with getting joint position/rotation

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-1 comments, last by CyanPrime 11 years, 9 months ago
I got a really cool gift for you! It's a simple to use animated model loader!
Here is the entire package you'll need to start your 3d animated modeled games today!

Here is how to use it:
[source lang="java"]AnimatedModel model = new AnimatedModel([filename], [scale vector]); [/source]

Where [filename] is something like "C:\models\model.ms3d" and [scale vector] is a LWJGL Vector3f that re-sizes the model based on it's content.
For example to make a half width double height model you'd say[background=white] [/background]
[source lang="java"][background=white]new Vector3f(0.5f, 2.0f, 1.0f)[/background][/source][background=white]
So that's that, and now you may all be wondering why I'm posting this in a help section? Well, you see. It's because I need a bit of help on a thing I'm trying to implement, where you can attach other models to joints of a master model (like master warrior is holding a sword in his left hand) what it boils down to is that I can't figure out how to get the accessory model to stay , or even get to the right place.

This is the code the accessory model uses to get it's position and rotation. It's in
[source lang="java"]

[background=white]public Vector3f[] getJointInfo(float frame, int jointID, float myYaw){
Vector3f[] jointInfo = new Vector3f[2];
jointInfo[0] = new Vector3f(0,0,0);
jointInfo[1] = new Vector3f(0,0,0);

advanceAnimation(frame, true);

Matrix4f worldMatrix = new Matrix4f();

worldMatrix.rotate((float) Math.toRadians(myYaw), new Vector3f(0,1,0));
VectorRotate(joints.get(jointID).pos, worldMatrix, jointInfo[0]);
/*roll*/jointInfo[1].z = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(worldMatrix.m10, worldMatrix.m00));
/*pitch*/jointInfo[1].x = (float) - Math.toDegrees(Math.asin(worldMatrix.m20));
/*yaw*/jointInfo[1].y = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(worldMatrix.m01, worldMatrix.m22));
return jointInfo;
} [/background]

[/background]So, if anyone wants to download the .ms3d model loader package and take a look at that method and help me figure out why it's not working it'd help out not only me, but everyone who decides to use this model loader.

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