Deleting from vector with iterator (99% sure this is the way to go)

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21 comments, last by dimitri.adamou 11 years, 9 months ago

Wierd no one thought to check if the vector wasnt empty before running that delete state...

a simple

do delete code stuff

It sounds like its trying to access a element that doesnt exist, and it never hurts ( at least I dont think it does ) to check if a container is empty before doing stuff.

But if the vector is empty the for loop wont run at all if i understand it right. And the code works now(same that i posted), i guess i had sloppy code somewhere else.
Still a good idea to have that check, even if you are certain it wont call an empty vector... if you are concerned that it merely hides bad code you could add a error conditon so it notifies / logs the fact a call to the vector was made even though its empty.

if vector is not empty - do stuff - else - report attempt to access empty vector.

At least you will know that you were somehow accessing a empty vector, I use that a lot and it saves me quiet a lot of headaches.
I find a lot of time when programming I think something should do xyz, and never abc but due to silly faults what I get is abc, and as I have convinced myself the result cant be abc I cant work out why the code isnt working... if I set up my code to report back ( usually a text msg on screen, or a pass a msg to a vector I use to store msgs and display them in a console like function ), I can see what it is actually doing, rather than what I think it should be doing.
iterators will only point to the end if its empty but yeah the habbit of checking is good

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