Direction Vector not working correctly

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5 comments, last by infectedbrain 11 years, 7 months ago
I am making a little Missile Control clone and I need the missiles to move tward the point where the cursor clicks. I take that point put it into a vector and normalize it (I tested it with a built in function and one that I wrote and it works the same) now the missiles won't show unless I click somewhere on the right side of the screen and will only aim at a 45 degree andgle from the bottom middle of the screen (where the turret is).

Does anyone know what to do. I am writing this is AS3 but I got this system working before in C# with XNA.

thanks in advance,
Vector2 target, Vector2 position; // think for those a locations only
Vector2 direction = position - target; // this is actually the direction, from missle to target
I tried it that way but the rockets slow down as they move toward the target. That makes sense because of the math but it's not what i want to happen.
Whats your movement code?
I think I understand your problem. Try normalizing the direction vector and multiplying it by the desired speed.

[source lang="csharp"]Vector2 direction = target - position;
direction.normalize( );
missleVelocity = missle_speed * direction[/source]
What's your code for forming the direction vector look like?

Once the missile is launched are you keeping track of the missile's original direction vector or are you recalculating it as you go?
[size="2"]Currently working on an open world survival RPG - For info check out my Development blog:[size="2"] ByteWrangler
my code look just like labouts. It worked in C# but not in AS3

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