What do you use for Audio in DirectX applications?

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13 comments, last by kubera 11 years, 6 months ago
It would be not enough. DXAudio 2.7 API is a bit different. You should develop separate codes for both and link your executable against different libraries, depending on a destination host.
(or you could create one complex audio support)
Please consider using only 2.7 API and deploying it with your application. Two separate libraries and their API headers should be used separetely.

Helpful things:

  • Delay Load DLLs
  • LoadLibrary, etc.

Please consider using only 2.7 API and deploying it with your application.

well that's just the thing o_O I want to use only 2.7,the only problem was that it required the 2.8dll even when I directly copied the code from the 2010 SDK(and in visual studio 2010).
Hey did you manage to solve it? I've got the exact same problem, xaudio2.lib just isn't in there ( june 2010 directx sdk )
I answered a same question from stack overflow. just for your reference

The basic rule is, if you develop XAudio2 program on Win 8, use the Windows SDK, otherwise, use DirectX SDK.
If you are working on Win7, make sure

  • the head file XAudio2.h you are using comes from the DirectX SDK, that's something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Include\XAudio2.h, not come from the Win8 SDK, something like C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.0\Include\um\XAudio2.h(in case you installed the Win8 SDK)
  • Call CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); before calling XAudio2Create, since the old version(before 2.8) of XAaudio2 was created by COM, so it does not need a .lib file, and there is no .lib file for XAudio2 before Win8.

This page below contains a detail introduction of the version of XAudio2, you can take a look.
XAudio2 Versions
Such informations often has been answered in that blog already:

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