Separable gaussian blur too dark ?

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19 comments, last by MegaPixel 11 years, 7 months ago

I always thought the ambient term has to only be added to the diffuse/specular light.
edit: Actually no, if I add it to the albedo*lighting I get a weird merged ssao (white/grey) and albedo picture.
But anyway the AO term isn't the problem.

I guess showing it on pictures is easier:

Note: The blurred images already include tonemapping and BG lighting is turned down (0.2f)

Lighing only (blur off):
Compose (blur off):

Lighting only (4x blur):
Compose (4x blur):

As you can also see the back of the cube is leaking the light from the background, too which is a problem...

sorry my fault, you should actually modulate with the SSAO term. Try:

output = AO*albedo * float4(lighting.rgb, 1.0f);

But then I don't know very well how you structured your pipeline, so If there is a problem elsewhere It would probably influence your results...

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