HLSL, how do I turn on debug, disable optimizations?

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11 comments, last by Tispe 11 years, 7 months ago

PIX is not showing me the HLSL code, how do I turn on debug, disable optimizations?

NULL, //macro's
NULL, //includes
"vs_main", //main function
"vs_3_0", //shader profile
NULL, //flags
&code, //compiled operations
&debugcode, //errors
&constantTable))) //constants
MessageBox(NULL, L"The Compile Vertex shader function failed", L"Error", MB_OK);
return false;
d3ddev->CreateVertexShader((DWORD*)code->GetBufferPointer(), &vertexShader);
Pass D3DXSHADER_DEBUG|D3DXSHADER_SKIPOPTIMIZATION as the "Flags" parameter of D3DXCompileShaderFromResource.
It seems my vertex shader is still optimizing away my sampler:

// Vertex shader input structure
struct VS_INPUT
float4 Position : POSITION;
float2 Texture : TEXCOORD0;

// Vertex shader output structure
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 Position : POSITION;
float2 Texture : TEXCOORD0;

// Global variables
float4x4 World;
float4x4 ViewProj;
sampler2D Tex1 : register(s1);

// Name: Simple Vertex Shader
// Type: Vertex shader
// Desc: Vertex transformation and texture coord pass-through
VS_OUTPUT vs_main( in VS_INPUT In )
VS_OUTPUT Out; //create an output vertex
float4x4 WorldViewProj = mul(World, ViewProj);
Out.Position = mul(In.Position, WorldViewProj); //apply vertex transformation
Out.Texture = In.Texture; //copy original texcoords
return Out; //return output vertex


// Parameters:
// float4x4 ViewProj;
// float4x4 World;
// Registers:
// Name Reg Size
// ------------ ----- ----
// World c0 4
// ViewProj c4 4
dcl_position v0 // In<0,1,2,3>
dcl_texcoord v1 // In<4,5>
dcl_position o0
dcl_texcoord o1.xy
mov r0, c0 // ::World<0,4,8,12>
mul r1, r0, c4.x
mov r2, c1 // ::World<1,5,9,13>
mul r3, r2, c4.y
add r1, r1, r3
mov r3, c2 // ::World<2,6,10,14>
mul r4, r3, c4.z
add r1, r1, r4
mov r4, c3 // ::World<3,7,11,15>
mul r5, r4, c4.w
add r1, r1, r5 // ::WorldViewProj<0,4,8,12>
mul r5, r0, c5.x
mul r6, r2, c5.y
add r5, r5, r6
mul r6, r3, c5.z
add r5, r5, r6
mul r6, r4, c5.w
add r5, r5, r6 // ::WorldViewProj<1,5,9,13>
mul r6, r0, c6.x
mul r7, r2, c6.y
add r6, r6, r7
mul r7, r3, c6.z
add r6, r6, r7
mul r7, r4, c6.w
add r6, r6, r7 // ::WorldViewProj<2,6,10,14>
mul r0, r0, c7.x
mul r2, r2, c7.y
add r0, r0, r2
mul r2, r3, c7.z
add r0, r0, r2
mul r2, r4, c7.w
add r0, r0, r2 // ::WorldViewProj<3,7,11,15>
dp4 r1.x, v0, r1 // ::Out<0>
dp4 r1.y, v0, r5 // ::Out<1>
dp4 r1.z, v0, r6 // ::Out<2>
dp4 r1.w, v0, r0 // ::Out<3>
mov r0.xy, v1 // ::Out<4,5>
mov o0, r1 // ::vs_main<0,1,2,3>
mov o1.xy, r0 // ::vs_main<4,5>
// approximately 39 instruction slots used
That's because the sampler is never used so there's no need for the asm to declare it.
Hmm, I want to validate that matrices are passed correctly but even this will be optimized away with the "no optimized flag"

pGraphicsDevice->constantTable->SetMatrixArray(pGraphicsDevice->GetDevice(), "FirstTenSkeleton", pPlayer->pSkeleton, 10);

// Vertex shader input structure
struct VS_INPUT
float4 Position : POSITION;
float2 Texture : TEXCOORD0;

// Vertex shader output structure
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 Position : POSITION;
float2 Texture : TEXCOORD0;

// Global variables
float4x4 World;
float4x4 ViewProj;
sampler2D Tex1 : register(s1);
float4x4 FirstTenSkeleton[10];

// Name: Simple Vertex Shader
// Type: Vertex shader
// Desc: Vertex transformation and texture coord pass-through
VS_OUTPUT vs_main( in VS_INPUT In )
VS_OUTPUT Out; //create an output vertex
float4x4 WorldViewProj = mul(World, ViewProj);
float4x4 Bone0 = FirstTenSkeleton[0];
float4x4 Bone1 = FirstTenSkeleton[1];
float4x4 Bone2 = FirstTenSkeleton[2];
float4x4 Bone3 = FirstTenSkeleton[3];
float4x4 Bone4 = FirstTenSkeleton[4];
float4x4 Bone5 = FirstTenSkeleton[5];
float4x4 Bone6 = FirstTenSkeleton[6];
float4x4 Bone7 = FirstTenSkeleton[7];
float4x4 Bone8 = FirstTenSkeleton[8];
float4x4 Bone9 = FirstTenSkeleton[9];
Out.Position = mul(In.Position, WorldViewProj); //apply vertex transformation
Out.Texture = In.Texture; //copy original texcoords
return Out; //return output vertex
If the compiler is stubbornly optimizing out variables like this, you can force it to include them by making sure they affect the output in some (very small) way, e.g.
float4x4 temp1 = FirstTenSkeleton[0]
+ FirstTenSkeleton[1]
+ FirstTenSkeleton[2]
+ FirstTenSkeleton[3];//etc
float4 temp2 = Bones[0]+Bones[1]+Bones[2]+Bones[3];
float temp3 = dot(temp2, (float4)1);
Out.Texture.x += temp3 * 0.0001;
OK.... I got things showing up in the debugger now. But guess what, the matrices are incorrect.

pGraphicsDevice->constantTable->SetMatrixArray(pGraphicsDevice->GetDevice(), "FirstTenSkeleton", pPlayers->pRaceSkeleton->pSkeleton, 10);
D3DXMATRIX FirstBone = pPlayers->pRaceSkeleton->pSkeleton[0];

In VS2010 FirstBone matrix has the following values:

_11 5.9604645e-008 float
_12 0.00000000 float
_13 0.99999994 float
_14 0.00000000 float
_21 0.00000000 float
_22 1.0000000 float
_23 0.00000000 float
_24 0.00000000 float
_31 -0.99999994 float
_32 0.00000000 float
_33 5.9604645e-008 float
_34 0.00000000 float
_41 0.00000000 float
_42 0.00000000 float
_43 0.00000000 float
_44 1.0000000 float

The Vertex Shader gives Bone0 this value:

Bone0 ( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1065353216 ) float16

Row-major or Column major should only swap rows for columns right? So it is not about that here?

Here is the new VS:

// Vertex shader input structure
struct VS_INPUT
float4 Position : POSITION;
float2 Texture : TEXCOORD0;

// Vertex shader output structure
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 Position : POSITION;
float2 Texture : TEXCOORD0;

// Global variables
float4x4 World;
float4x4 ViewProj;
sampler2D Tex1 : register(s1);
float4x4 FirstTenSkeleton[10];

// Name: Simple Vertex Shader
// Type: Vertex shader
// Desc: Vertex transformation and texture coord pass-through
VS_OUTPUT vs_main( in VS_INPUT In )
VS_OUTPUT Out; //create an output vertex
float4x4 WorldViewProj = mul(World, ViewProj);
float4x4 Bone0 = FirstTenSkeleton[0];
float4x4 Bone1 = FirstTenSkeleton[1];
float4x4 Bone2 = FirstTenSkeleton[2];
float4x4 Bone3 = FirstTenSkeleton[3];
float4x4 Bone4 = FirstTenSkeleton[4];
float4x4 Bone5 = FirstTenSkeleton[5];
float4x4 Bone6 = FirstTenSkeleton[6];
float4x4 Bone7 = FirstTenSkeleton[7];
float4x4 Bone8 = FirstTenSkeleton[8];
float4x4 Bone9 = FirstTenSkeleton[9];
Out.Position = mul(In.Position, WorldViewProj); //apply vertex transformation
Out.Texture = In.Texture; //copy original texcoords

//Remove, just for testing
float4x4 temp1 = Bone0 + Bone1 + Bone2 + Bone3 + Bone4;
float temp2 = temp1[0][0] + temp1[0][1] + temp1[0][2] + temp1[0][3] +
temp1[1][0] + temp1[1][1] + temp1[1][2] + temp1[1][3] +
temp1[2][0] + temp1[2][1] + temp1[2][2] + temp1[2][3] +
temp1[3][0] + temp1[3][1] + temp1[3][2] + temp1[3][3];

Out.Texture.x += temp2 * 0.0001;

return Out; //return output vertex
I get the same with the World matrix. Visual Studio 2010 and PIX are giving me completly differnt values, why is that?

I get proper rendering but somehow PIX and VS2010 gives different values for a matrix......
This is D3D9, right?
Try running the "DirectX control panel" (installed as part of the SDK), and switch Direct3D 9 over to use the debug version, and tick the "shader debugging" tickbox.
Yes, D3D9.

I did as you suggested but same result:


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