VS2012: Fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'dxerr9.lib'

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2 comments, last by popsoftheyear 11 years, 6 months ago
For some reason, I hit a LNK1181 error, stating that it can't find the library file "dxerr9.lib". However, when I went to go check on the Library path, it is correct.

Asking Google, I came upon this articlethat I may have to put quotation marks on the path directory. I did it, but it didn't work.

Here's a picture of the Project Properties dialog.


Does anyone else knows how to fix this? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Nevermind about the LNK errors. I found this article, which prompted me to go download the DirectX SDK (June 2010), grab DxErr.lib, D3dx10d.lib, and D3Dx9.lib, rename DxErr.lib to DxErr9.lib, put all three LIBs in a new folder somewhere, and set a new directory listing to that folder.

Now, I'm back to square one. The dreaded LNK2001 external error:

[source lang="plain"]Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "long __cdecl ATL::AtlGetCommCtrlVersion(unsigned long *,unsigned long *)" (?AtlGetCommCtrlVersion@ATL@@YAJPAK0@Z) C:\Users\Thompson\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\VGMTrans\mainfrm.obj VGMTrans

This fix is daunting, since in VS2012, Microsoft removed some legacy ATL stuff.
Supposedly, that is an undocumented function - so it was at your own risk to use it.

You can emulate it using DllGetVersion from Comctl32.dll.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb776404(v=vs.85).aspx

Better question - do you really even need it for what you're trying to do? If you're using an application manifest, you will know your common control version anyway...

[edit] This is how wtl implements it - look at the end of the file. http://wpack.googlec...ty/wtl/atlapp.h
[edit2] Fixed.
The first link you've provided is dead. Content not found.

To answer the question, the function is somehow required. But, it's not in the way that I understand what I'm about to do.
It parsed the html path badly. Made it a real link.

Anyway, the code for the function you want is in the 2nd link.

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