XNA dynamic content

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2 comments, last by David Stra 11 years, 6 months ago
Hi guys.
I need help with dynamic content in my project.
I want to add objects into content while game is running, but i don't know how. Everything i've found need restart app, but i don't want :/
Know somebody how to solve this problem ?
That objects will be models, not Texture2D
There isn't an easy answer when it comes to XNA - as the content pipeline is more or less intended to be an "offline" process. Also, its much harder to distribute programs that use the content pipeline at runtime since the end-user needs the XNA game studio to be installed.

With that said, for PC XNA applications, there isn't anything stopping you from loading models at runtime. Its just a matter of processing the content yourself, without the content pipeline. E.g. loading a model and storing the geometric data into your own data structures (vertexbuffers/index buffers) that get rendered.

I believe in XNA 4.0 the only (major) roadblock will be for an effect, as there is no way to compile an effect at runtime without the content pipeline.
Ok, thank you :) I'll try to write somethin.

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