archtitecture with callback

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1 comment, last by Scourage 11 years, 4 months ago

I am working on an application to read in frames from a capture card and put them into a Pixel Buffer Object. I am pretty new to OpenGL.

How do it get it so that the screen updates when a new frame comes in and disable the glutDisplayFunc loop?

If you already have some implementation based on GLUT, I someone else will have to help you.

Otherwise, I think glfw is much better than GLUT. Especially as glfw allows you full control of the main loop.
[size=2]Current project: Ephenation.
[size=2]Sharing OpenGL experiences:
In GLUT there is a glutPostRedisplay() function that will redraw the screen for you. I'm not sure that this will pump any user inputs (as it would in GLFW), but it may. When you get a new caputure frame, update your PBO and then then call the postRedisplay() function to ask GLUT to redraw the screen.

GLUT and FreeGLUT are pretty old. I recommend GLFW as well (full disclosure: I've contributed to it in the past). It's a great windowing framework and gives you the primitives to build your own loop around.



[size="3"]Halfway down the trail to Hell...

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