Ray tracer - perspective distortion

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10 comments, last by Bacterius 11 years, 3 months ago

The above was fixed by tweaking some of the values (for now at least). I've hit another problem (unrelated to the topic) but I'm not sure if a whole new thread is needed for that as I've created this thread. Either way I'll give it a try:

I'm trying to render triangles. For the moment I just tried rendering one triangle using a geometric solution (inefficient but but it will have to do for now as I'm just experimenting). I create a triangle consisting of three vertices, then perform a ray-triangle intersection by checking first whether the ray intersects the plane which the triangle lies in and then whether it lies within the triangle or not. The code for this is below along with the code that renders my scene.

The problem I have is that the z-values seem to be flipped when I translate my triangle. If I transform the triangle from it's model space to the world space by a simple translation (no orientation involved) I expect +20 in the z-axis to bring the triangle closer to the camera, yet the result is that my triangle is placed further away from the camera. Using -20 brings the triangle closer to the camera. I thought my matrix transformations might be at wrong here so I specified the coordinates of the triangle's vertices in it's local space (model space) with different z-values to see if I would get the same result and I did.

Update: After going through my code again I noticed I was calculating the constant D of the plane equation wrong in my triangle intersection code. It should be D = -(N*V) where N is normal of plane and V is any of the triangle's vertices. I forgot to add the minus sign to it. It works as it should now.

This sound interesting and nothing I really thought about. I always thought that the only thing the field of view does is that it works as a scaling factor (common example would be the perspective projection matrix used in OpenGL etc.). A smaller fov, from what I understand, would mean that my objects get scaled bigger which would be something similar to zooming in with a camera. How does this affect the depth perception of the scene?

I'm not sure how to explain it convincingly, though it does. Here is a rather striking example (higher focal length = lower field of view). Perhaps the easiest way to think of it is to realize that depth is also scaled along with the width and height, which makes it more difficult to evaluate distance based on perspective. At a very small field of view, everything seems to be at the same depth. Another way of thinking of it, is that if a lower field of view is just "zooming in" on a higher field of view picture, then everything in the zoomed-in image is closer to the vanishing point (just by virtue of zooming in, as for ordinary perspective projection the vanishing point is just the center of the image) which also reduces effective depth perception..

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

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