The problem with temporary variable

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-1 comments, last by ?????????????? 11 years, 3 months ago

hi guys!

I read it and decided to finish a bit for themselves.

In general, the essence of what I needed was a regular polygon? ????? ???? ? ???, ??? ????? ??? ?????????? ?????????????

By the topography object is specified vertices and edges, respectively, as follows:For example vertex created so:

Vertex* V1 = new Vertex( this, X , Y );

and the face, say between two vertices as follows:

new Edge( this, V1, V2, true );

P.S fourth parameter is responsible for whether to participate in the face of conflict (ie, whether the outside of the face shape, or it will be framed)

Suppose that's to create a simple rectangle:???????? ??? ????????? ???????? ???????? ????????????????:

void PhysicsBody::CreateBox( int X, int Y, int Width, int Height ) {

Vertex* V1 = new Vertex( this, X , Y );
Vertex* V2 = new Vertex( this, X + Width, Y );
Vertex* V3 = new Vertex( this, X + Width, Y + Height );
Vertex* V4 = new Vertex( this, X , Y + Height );

new Edge( this, V1, V2, true );
new Edge( this, V2, V3, true );
new Edge( this, V3, V4, true );
new Edge( this, V4, V1, true );

new Edge( this, V1, V3, false );
new Edge( this, V2, V4, false );

Similarly, I added a method to create a regular polygon:

void PhysicsBody::CreateCircle(int X, int Y, int r, int n) {

Vertex * V = new Vertex[n];
float a=0.0;

Vertex * V1 = new Vertex( this, X , Y );

for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
Vertex * V1 = new Vertex( this, X + r*std::cos(a*PI/180.0f), Y + r*std::sin(a*PI/180.0f));
V[i] = *V1;

new Edge( this, &V[n-1], &V[0], true );
for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
new Edge( this, &V[i], &V[i+1], true );

for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
new Edge( this, V1, &V[i], false );

And here's the problem, if the vertices of creating, describing each, then all would be OK, but here's a situation where I need to, say, 40-angle polygon, I will not each node individually prescribe ..It turns out that, for some reason, remembering addresses are not the top, when I click the mouse button, the polygon is created, but the top is not just tied to its faces and trite fall down

attached was only one vertex, the central

Vertex * V1 = new Vertex( this, X , Y );

All vertices and edges are stored in the respective arrays.description of the basic structures, ie, faces, vertices and body:

#ifndef __PHYSICS_H__
#define __PHYSICS_H__

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>

#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>

#include "Vector.h"

#define MAX_BODIES 2048 //Maximum body/vertex/edgecount the physics simulation can handle
#define MAX_VERTICES 5096
#define MAX_EDGES 5096
#define MAX_BODY_VERTICES 64 //Maximum body/edge count a body can contain
#define MAX_BODY_EDGES 64
#define PI 3.14159

struct PhysicsBody; //Prototypes
struct Vertex {
Vec2 Position;
Vec2 OldPosition;
Vec2 Acceleration;

PhysicsBody* Parent;

Vertex( PhysicsBody* Body, float PosX, float PosY );
struct Edge;

class Physics {
Vec2 Gravity; //Most of this should be clear after reading the article

int BodyCount;
int VertexCount;
int EdgeCount;

Vertex* Vertices[ MAX_VERTICES ];
Edge* Edges [ MAX_EDGES ];
PhysicsBody* Bodies [ MAX_BODIES ];

float Timestep;
int Iterations;

void UpdateForces();
void UpdateVerlet();
void UpdateEdges ();
void IterateCollisions();
bool DetectCollision( PhysicsBody* B1, PhysicsBody* B2 );
void ProcessCollision();
float IntervalDistance( float MinA, float MaxA, float MinB, float MaxB );
bool BodiesOverlap( PhysicsBody* B1, PhysicsBody* B2 ); //Used for optimization to test if the bounding boxes of two bodies overlap

struct {
float Depth;
Vec2 Normal;

Edge* E;
Vertex* V;
} CollisionInfo;

void Update();
void Render();

void AddBody ( PhysicsBody* Body );
void AddEdge ( Edge* E );
void AddVertex( Vertex* V );

Vertex* FindVertex( int X, int Y );

Physics( float GravitationX = 0.0f, float GravitationY = 0.0f, int pIterations = 1 ) :
BodyCount( 0 ), VertexCount( 0 ), EdgeCount( 0 ),
Gravity( Vec2( GravitationX, GravitationY ) ),
Iterations( pIterations ), Timestep( 1.0f ) {}

struct PhysicsBody {

Vec2 Center; //Center of mass

int MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY; //Min/max coordinates of the bounding box

int VertexCount;
int EdgeCount;

Vertex* Vertices[ MAX_BODY_VERTICES ];
Edge* Edges [ MAX_BODY_EDGES ];


void AddEdge ( Edge* E );
void AddVertex( Vertex* V );
void ProjectToAxis( Vec2& Axis, float& Min, float& Max );
void CalculateCenter(); //Calculates the venter of mass

void CreateBox( int X, int Y, int Width, int Height );
void CreateCircle(int X, int Y, int r, int n);

struct Edge {

Vertex* V1;
Vertex* V2;

float Length;
int Boundary; //Value used for optimization - see Physics::DetectCollision for more information

PhysicsBody* Parent;

Edge( PhysicsBody* Body, Vertex* pV1, Vertex* pV2, int pBoundary = true );


actually referred to add components just add them to the array

void Physics::AddBody( PhysicsBody* Body ) {

Bodies[ BodyCount++ ] = Body;

void Physics::AddVertex( Vertex* V ) {

Vertices[ VertexCount++ ] = V;

void Physics::AddEdge( Edge* E ) {

Edges[ EdgeCount++ ] = E;

So appropriate constructors for the components:

Edge::Edge( PhysicsBody* Body, Vertex* pV1, Vertex* pV2, int pBoundary ) {

V1 = pV1;
V2 = pV2;

Length = ( pV2->Position - pV1->Position ).Length();
Boundary = pBoundary;

Parent = Body;

Body->AddEdge( this );
World.AddEdge( this );

Vertex::Vertex( PhysicsBody* Body, float PosX, float PosY ) {

Position = Vec2( PosX, PosY );
OldPosition = Vec2( PosX, PosY );

Parent = Body;

Body->AddVertex( this );
World.AddVertex( this );

PhysicsBody::PhysicsBody() {

VertexCount = EdgeCount = 0;

World.AddBody( this );

How do I solve the problem with falling vertices?

P.S demo:

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