I have a game idea... what do I do first?

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9 comments, last by Leikaru 11 years, 3 months ago
Technically, everybody can have a game idea. The thing that sets you apart from the others is putting that idea into motion and execute it. There are so many things to making a game, it would take FOREVER to show it all. Since you are learning how to program right now and probably already have some tutorials for that. I'll show you some basics to 3D modeling (Creating objects for your game). I'm more of a visual person, so I don't like reading tutorials. I usually watch videos, and I had never seen Blender tutorials before watching this video, it helped me tremendously:

Blender controls: MMB: Scroll to zoom in

MMB: Click and hold+move mouse to change direction.

Thanks for that tutorial. Looks like I can learn modelling at last.

As A Beginning Developer, please don't expect much from me.

[background='Grey']I'm planning a game to make. Want details? Hmm, maybe later.[/background]

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