Trying to make a lazer beam on the gpu

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1 comment, last by ankhd 11 years, 2 months ago

Hi all.

Im trying to make a box with no ends based on two 3d locations the target and the start points.

I think I have something wrong with my vertices when I create four quads on the gpu.

Here is a Image of what Im talking about.


this is the shader code Ill just paste where I create the 4 quads.

// The draw GS just expands 2 3dvectors the target and the start to 4 quads
void DrawGS(point VS_OUT gIn[1],
            inout TriangleStream<GS_OUT> triStream)
 // do not draw emitter particles.
 if( gIn[0].type != PT_EMITTER )
  float4x4 WVP = gViewProj;//mul(W, gViewProj);
  // Compute 4 triangle strip vertices (quad) in local space.
  // The quad faces down the +z axis in local space.
 // float halfWidth  = (0.5f*gIn[0].sizeW.x);// * scale;
 // float halfHeight = (0.5f*gIn[0].sizeW.y);// * scale;
  float4 v[16];
  //we make this shape here
  //      ____________
  //  4  /\  1 faces  \
  //    /  \___________\
  //    \  /   2       /
  //   3 \/___________/
  //wdthp heightp are the width and height of the starting point of the lazer
  //wdtht heightt are going to be the width and height of the tearget end
  //gEmitDirW is a vector3 in 3d world coords and now a direction in this shader its a target
  float wdthp = gParticleWidth;//starting points width
  float wdtht = ggrowamount;//the targets z width
  float heightp = gParticleHeight;//height of the starting end of the lazer
  float heightt = fSpeed;//height of the target end
  //make a quad from pos to target face 1
  v[0] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y + heightt, gEmitDirW.z - wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[1] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y + heightp, gEmitPosW.z - wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[2] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y + heightp, gEmitPosW.z + wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[3] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y + heightt, gEmitDirW.z + wdtht, 1.0f);
  //face 2
  v[4] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y + heightt, gEmitDirW.z + wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[5] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y + heightp, gEmitPosW.z + wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[6] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y - heightp, gEmitPosW.z + wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[7] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y - heightt, gEmitDirW.z + wdtht, 1.0f);
  //face 3
  v[8] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y - heightt, gEmitDirW.z - wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[9] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y - heightp, gEmitPosW.z - wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[10] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y - heightp, gEmitPosW.z + wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[11] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y - heightt, gEmitDirW.z + wdtht, 1.0f);
  //face 4
  v[12] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y + heightt, gEmitDirW.z - wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[13] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y + heightp, gEmitPosW.z - wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[14] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y - heightp, gEmitPosW.z - wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[15] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y - heightt, gEmitDirW.z - wdtht, 1.0f);
  // Transform quad vertices to world space and output
  // them as a triangle strip.
  GS_OUT gOut;
  for(int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
   gOut.posH  = mul(v[i], WVP);
   gOut.texC  = gQuadTexC[i];
   gOut.color = gIn[0].color;
   gOut.arrayid = gIn[0].arrayid;


Ok found it, was late, winding order


| |


/here is the vertex code and image plus a triangle shape yay.......

//we make this shape here
  //       ____________
  //  4  /\  1 faces         \
  //     /   \___________\
  //     \   /   2                /
  //   3 \/___________/
  //wdthp heightp are the width and height of the starting point of the lazer
  //wdtht heightt are going to be the width and height of the tearget end
  //gEmitDirW is a vector3 in 3d world coords and now a direction in this shader its a target
  float wdthp = gParticleWidth;//starting points width
  float wdtht = ggrowamount;//the targets z width
  float heightp = gParticleHeight;//height of the starting end of the lazer
  float heightt = fSpeed;//height of the target end
  //make a quad from pos to target face 1
  v[0] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y + heightt, gEmitDirW.z - wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[1] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y + heightp, gEmitPosW.z - wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[2] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y + heightt, gEmitDirW.z + wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[3] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y + heightp, gEmitPosW.z + wdthp, 1.0f);
  //face 2
  v[4] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y - heightt, gEmitDirW.z + wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[5] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y - heightp, gEmitPosW.z + wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[6] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y + heightt, gEmitDirW.z + wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[7] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y + heightp, gEmitPosW.z + wdthp, 1.0f);
  //face 3
  v[8] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y - heightt, gEmitDirW.z + wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[9] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y - heightp, gEmitPosW.z + wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[10] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y - heightt, gEmitDirW.z - wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[11] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y - heightp, gEmitPosW.z - wdthp, 1.0f);
  //face 4
  v[12] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y + heightt, gEmitDirW.z - wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[13] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y + heightp, gEmitPosW.z - wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[14] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y - heightt, gEmitDirW.z - wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[15] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y - heightp, gEmitPosW.z - wdthp, 1.0f);
  //make a triangle
  //      __________________________
  //     /\__________________________\
  v[0] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y - heightt, gEmitDirW.z + wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[1] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y - heightp, gEmitPosW.z + wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[2] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y + heightt, gEmitDirW.z, 1.0f);
  v[3] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y + heightp, gEmitPosW.z, 1.0f);
  //face 2
  v[4] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y - heightt, gEmitDirW.z + wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[5] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y - heightp, gEmitPosW.z + wdthp, 1.0f);
  v[6] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y - heightt, gEmitDirW.z - wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[7] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y - heightp, gEmitPosW.z - wdthp, 1.0f);
  //face 3
  v[8] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y + heightt, gEmitDirW.z, 1.0f);
  v[9] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y + heightp, gEmitPosW.z, 1.0f);
  v[10] = float4(gEmitDirW.x, gEmitDirW.y - heightt, gEmitDirW.z - wdtht, 1.0f);
  v[11] = float4(gEmitPosW.x, gEmitPosW.y - heightp, gEmitPosW.z - wdthp, 1.0f);


Oh I found a bug if the postion.x is greater then the targets.x location I need to swop the values.
Is the way i'm doing it the only way or is there another way I should be doing the swop or the math behind it thanks.

//I need to swop the values if pos.x is heigher then target.x

float3 target = gEmitDirW;
float3 pos  = gEmitPosW;
if(pos.x >target.x)
//swop all vars
target = gEmitPosW;
pos = gEmitDirW;
float temp = wdthp;
wdthp = wdtht;
wdtht = temp;
temp = heightp;
heightp = heightt;
heightt = heightp;
}//end swop vars

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