Difficulties with Animation class

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0 comments, last by freeworld 11 years, 1 month ago

I wrote a class to play my animations. But it just works if I play the entire animation. For example: If my spritesheet has 3 pictures, I call the Animation class like that to play the entire animation :

Player_Animation = new Animation(new List<Rectangle>(3), Content.Load<Texture2D>("walking"), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), Animation.Sequences.forwards, this, 0, 3);

That works.

But on the other hand: If my spritesheet has 3 pictures, and if I just want the first 2 pictures of the animation, I call the Animation class like this to play only the first 2 pictures of the animation:

Player_Animation = new Animation(new List<Rectangle>(3), Content.Load<Texture2D>("walking"), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), Animation.Sequences.forwards, this, 0, 2);

That doesn't work. I always get that "ArgumentOutOfRangeException was unhandled" error message in the following line(it's the last line of the Animation class):

batch.Draw(Texture, new Rectangle((int)PositionX, (int)PositionY, Texture.Width / SourceRects.Capacity, Texture.Height), SourceRects[_animIndex], Color.White,0,new Vector2(Texture.Width/2, Texture.Height/2),Flip,1);

What is wrong? Why can't I play an interval of the animation without getting that error message? Here's my Animation class:

public class Animation
    public SpriteEffects Flip;
    private Game1 game1;
    private int _animIndex, numberofsourceRects, framewidth, frameheight;
    private TimeSpan PassedTime;
    private List<Rectangle> SourceRects;
    private Texture2D Texture;
    private TimeSpan Duration;
    private Sequences Sequence;

        public enum Sequences
          forwards, backwards, forwards_backwards, backwards_forwards

        private void forwards(List<Rectangle> sourceRects, int framewidth, int frameheight, int start, int end)
        numberofsourceRects = end;
        for (int i = start; i < numberofsourceRects; i++)
            sourceRects.Add(new Rectangle(i * framewidth, 0, framewidth, frameheight));

        private void backwards(List<Rectangle> sourceRects, int framewidth, int frameheight, int start, int end)
        numberofsourceRects = end;
        for (int i = start; i < numberofsourceRects; i++)
            sourceRects.Add(new Rectangle((numberofsourceRects - 1 - i) * framewidth, 0, framewidth, frameheight));

        private void forwards_backwards(List<Rectangle> sourceRects, int framewidth, int frameheight, int start, int end)
        numberofsourceRects = end;
        for (int i = start; i < numberofsourceRects; i++)
            sourceRects.Add(new Rectangle(i * framewidth, 0, framewidth, frameheight));
        for (int i = start; i < numberofsourceRects; i++)
            sourceRects.Add(new Rectangle((numberofsourceRects - 1 - i) * framewidth, 0, framewidth, frameheight));     

        private void backwards_forwards(List<Rectangle> sourceRects, int framewidth, int frameheight, int start, int end)
        numberofsourceRects = end;
        for (int i = start; i < numberofsourceRects; i++)
            sourceRects.Add(new Rectangle((numberofsourceRects - 1 - i) * framewidth, 0, framewidth, frameheight));
        for (int i = start; i < numberofsourceRects; i++)              
            sourceRects.Add(new Rectangle(i * framewidth, 0, framewidth, frameheight));

    public Animation(List<Rectangle> sourceRects, Texture2D texture, TimeSpan duration, Sequences sequences, Game1 game, int start_interval, int end_interval) 
        game1 = game;
        numberofsourceRects = sourceRects.Capacity;
        framewidth = texture.Width / numberofsourceRects;
        frameheight = texture.Height;

        switch (sequences)
            case Sequences.forwards:
                    forwards(sourceRects,framewidth,frameheight, start_interval, end_interval);

            case Sequences.backwards:
                    backwards(sourceRects, framewidth, frameheight, start_interval, end_interval);

            case Sequences.forwards_backwards:
                    forwards_backwards(sourceRects, framewidth, frameheight, start_interval, end_interval);           

            case Sequences.backwards_forwards:
                    backwards_forwards(sourceRects, framewidth, frameheight, start_interval, end_interval);                 
    SourceRects = sourceRects;
    Texture = texture;
    Duration = duration;
    Sequence = sequences;

        public void Update(GameTime dt)
            PassedTime += dt.ElapsedGameTime;
            if (PassedTime > Duration)
                PassedTime -= Duration; 
            var percent = PassedTime.TotalSeconds / Duration.TotalSeconds;
            _animIndex = (int)Math.Round(percent * (SourceRects.Capacity  -1));

        public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch, float PositionX, float PositionY)
            numberofsourceRects = SourceRects.Capacity /2;
            if ((Sequence == Sequences.forwards_backwards) || (Sequence == Sequences.backwards_forwards))
              batch.Draw(Texture, new Rectangle((int)PositionX, (int)PositionY, Texture.Width / numberofsourceRects, Texture.Height), SourceRects[_animIndex], Color.White,0,new Vector2(Texture.Width/2, Texture.Height/2),Flip,1);
              batch.Draw(Texture, new Rectangle((int)PositionX, (int)PositionY, Texture.Width / SourceRects.Capacity, Texture.Height), SourceRects[_animIndex], Color.White,0,new Vector2(Texture.Width/2, Texture.Height/2),Flip,1);


Do you have to pass all those parameters to the functions like "forwards" "backwards" and so on? Does C# not allow you to access member variables from member functions?

That error message is trying to tell you that your animIndex is an index value out of range of the container you're trying to access. but a breakpoint infront of it in yopur debugger to stop it when it's out of range.

The problem lies in this

_animIndex = (int)Math.Round(percent * (SourceRects.Capacity -1));

then re look at your line here.... you say you're trying to create an animation of 2 frames... but are you?

Player_Animation = new Animation(new List<Rectangle>(3), Content.Load<Texture2D>("walking"), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), Animation.Sequences.forwards, this, 0, 2);
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I'm not mean, I just like to get to the point.

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