[Unrealscript] Why isn't PostBeginPlay() appearing?

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-1 comments, last by Sammieo 11 years, 1 month ago

EDIT: As a heads-up, this doesn't seem to be an issue anymore, though I'm genuinely not sure why. Ah well, can't complain!

I'm working with unrealscript now, and I have a nice little controller. The PostBeginPlay() function, however, doesn't seem to be as reliable as I want it to be; I'm using it to set up a few things, but I've noticed through use of log messages that PostBeginPlay() doesn't seem to appear when I want it to.

Just take a look at my code. Blue lines are log messages that appear in the launch log file: red lines are ones that don't.

class MagpieController extends AIController;

var Pawn CrowPawn;

var Actor CrowActor;

var float AttackDistance;
var float ChaseDistance;
var float MovementSpeed;

simulated function PostBeginPlay()
  `log("A magpie CONTROLLER has appeared on the map!"); //appears
  if (CrowPawn == none)
    `log("Targeting the crow now!"); //appears, but because the player appears after the magpie does the bottom function call doesn't work
  `log("Just making sure that, yes, the magpie controller is still here!"); //appears

function Tick(float DeltaTime)
  `log("The magpie's just sitting here, twitchin' its talons!"); //doesn't appear because the GoToState('Searching') part works fine!

auto state Searching
  simulated function PostBeginPlay()
    `log("The magpie is now SEARCHING!"); //never appears
    if (CrowPawn == none)
  function Tick (float DeltaTime)
    `log("I'm still looking for crows!"); //appears
    if (CrowPawn == none)
    if (VSize(Location - CrowPawn.Location) < ChaseDistance)
      `log("Right, the magpie now sees the player!"); //appears


state ChasingPlayer
  simulated function PostBeginPlay()
    `log("I'm chasing that filthy crow!"); //never appears

  function Tick(float DeltaTime)
    local vector NewLocation;

    `log("I'm still chasing that filthy crow!"); //appears

    if(CrowPawn == none)

    while (CrowPawn != none && VSize(NewLocation - CrowPawn.Location) < AttackDistance)
        NewLocation = Location;
        NewLocation += normal(CrowPawn.Location - Location) * MovementSpeed * DeltaTime;

function TargetCrow()
  local CrowPlayerController PC;
  foreach LocalPlayerControllers(class'CrowPlayerController', PC)
    if (PC.Pawn != none)
        CrowPawn = PC.Pawn;
        `log("My enemy is:" @ CrowPawn);

Can anyone please offer an explanation for this?

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