Expert question: How to get a better time delta?

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29 comments, last by Frank Force 11 years ago

I am not saying that all code should be perfect and every game should run perfectly at 60 fps in every situation! What I'm trying to say is that as a developer if you want to make a game that runs at 60 fps without stuttering it is possible. The thing is that people say that stutter is unavoidable regardless of how good your system and graphics card is. I say it is very avoidable, and actually fairly easy to eliminate for high end systems. If I'm running your game on an awesome computer that is well above spec it shouldn't stutter. Yet most games do. That is all I am saying.

Most console games run at 30 even though HDTV is 60. That is fine, basically they have decided to ignore every other vsync and pretend their vsync is 30 which changes nothing. The point is they chose to run at 30 and if they are stay at a solid 30 it should look pretty smooth, any stutter is only introduced by their poor code/planning. If it has situations where it drops to 20 fps and there's no time to fix it that does suck and maybe it is the right decision to just move on and fix higher priority issues. But the fact is the reason it dropped to 20 is because of all the bad decisions that led up to that whether they were programming, design or art decisions. It's certainly not the console's fault if you get stuttering or fps drops when you are in such a predictable environment.

When you are making a PC game, of course people can run it with low end PCs and it might run really shitty. That is not what I am talking about at all.

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