help!!! - opengl performance

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16 comments, last by gahre 22 years, 6 months ago
When you draw your text, do you use bitmapped fonts?
This may be part of your problem. I''m no expert, just started
learing OpenGL myself recently, but when i use the bitmapped
fonts to draw my text it kills the frame-rate. Although i think
that is a problem related to my Voodoo2 card, i''m not sure.
Has anyone else experiensed problems with bitmapped fonts?
BTW, when i say bitmapped fonts i mean the stuff
that NeHe show in one of his tutorials.

There is something *very* wrong with your engine. On optimal programming (vertex array range, DrawRangeElements, tristrips, direct AGP DMA''s, etc) my engine renders around 180000 triangles at ~40 fps on a GeForce2 GTS. But only very small ones, or you''ll get fillrate limited.

- AH
You should be getting nice framrates...hmmm.
What exactly is your program doing ?
What OpenGL commands, what data structures, whats the rendering doing, what ai stuffs going on, blah blah blah blah.
I know you said octrees, smooth shaded tris, compiled display lists, but could you list more of whats going on ?

I came, I saw, I got programmers block.
Well, actually there''s not much going on besides Input stuff, drawing and collision detection. No AI, nothing. I just check for input, transform, draw, do collision detection and then move the player. In my octree I am using compiled display lists for drawind, but the other mothod with glBegin and glEnd brings better results, don''t ask me why, I don''t have the slightest idea. Maybe there''s some other stuff that is faster, because the version with the conventional (???) method is older.


How are you doing your collision detection? Are you testing every triangle or just a couple?

Have you tried profilling your project to see whats taking up all the time?

Care to post the source so we can have a look through to try spot whats going on?
-----------------------"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else's drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
I only test a couple, only the node the player is in and only the triangles with whose bounding boxes the player collides.

Post the source? where? in the forum? -> too big, isn''t it?
You might be using a software-only feature. Check for any usage of the accumulation buffer... Also, don''t do any stipple transparency.

Also try reinstalling DirectX. Microsoft made Windows require it even for OpenGL.

I once disabled DirectDraw and got the same type of performance problems.

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