Converting the mouse position to

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10 comments, last by slicer4ever 11 years ago

I do not know if this would help, I do not use this language, But when I did the same thing in the language I use, I had to relocate the call to the function to draw the mouse to a different section of the Draw/Renderworld Loop.

Where as I had the mouse draw prior to updating the world, I had to move it to after the update/render world code and then do a page flip.

This solved my problem as it was much like yours.

Again!! I stress that I am using a different language!!

Language shouldn't matter, implementation does.


ThePointingMan, on 04 Apr 2013 - 19:44, said:
Firstly, thankyou very much Slice4Ever andEndurion, you two have been a great help. I'm still having a wee bit of trouble with the Unproject function though. D3d's unproject looks like this

D3DXVECTOR3* D3DXVec3Unproject(
_Inout_  D3DXVECTOR3 *pOut,
_In_	 const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV,
_In_	 const D3D10_VIEWPORT *pViewport,
_In_	 const D3DXMATRIX *pProjection,
_In_	 const D3DXMATRIX *pView,
_In_	 const D3DXMATRIX *pWorld
As far as I can tell I should be putting the vector holding the mouse co-ords for pV,
the projection matrix and view matrix in their places,
but I'm unsure as to what I should be putting in the ViewPort section and pWorld. Honestly I don't even fully understand what a view port is!

Edit: Alright, funny that trying to setup the mouse would teach me so much about the camera, at one point I ended up accidentally turning my level editor into a first person shooter! Minus the bullets of course :/ I understand what the view port is now, all is good! Thank you all for your help! For others who may come across this issue, here is something that helped me out a bit. an example of what this should look like using directx's functions and MSDN's page on viewports

Edit*2: I have noticed one slight error though, I remember dealing with this with my last project but I don't quite remember how. The WS style SYSMENU includes a little bar at the top of the screen, and this is interfering with my mouse position, does anyone know of any ways to work around this?

In old openGL(i.e. 1.1/2.0) the view matrix was called the modelview matrix, which combines both the model matrix, and the view matrix. from my understanding of that function, it expects the view matrix(your camera matrix) is separate from the model(or world) matrix.

the viewport(as you've discovered), is simply the actual window rectangle that your world is drawn into, it's useful for making split-screen games, and for rendering to small framebuffers for post-processing effects.

as for your last edit, in my implementation of reading mouse input, i read the mouse messages passed from windows. Which takes care of making sure the mouse is actually the top left of the drawable window. however if i remember correctly(and it's been awhile since i've had to do it on windows) you needed to get the window client size, and subtract that from the total window size to get the correct offset? But you'll have to do a bit more googling as I don't remember the exact implementation.
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